When you accidently catch a pokemon you already had

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facebook bought oculus rift.
Facebook bought Oculus VR for $2B
Boy touches drink without spilling it. Girl is shocked and amazed.
Buffalo Puppies.
White men can't jump.
The definition of life
Booty so powerful his soul is trapped inside
That's one way of getting kids to be quiet
I wonder what he got in the mail? I guess we'll never know...
One day Leo, one day...
The truth about women
Cancer in a can, sir
3 posts in the price of 1! Wait,everything here is free...HOORAY
Saddest scene in frozen
Don't know where she's seen dildos before
It's funny because it's true
Falcoooon CHEST!!
Next Gen Games People!
All aboard Assville Airways
no need to sit on hands
tfw no gf and small d
Drink apple juice cause O.J kills
When you realize they weren’t waving to you
Quality Ash
Tumblr = front page
Michael Jordan is the bravest
One ticket to Nopeistan, please.
Blue Waffle
Just gonna leave that here, okay ?
Arnold Schwarzenegger on QVC
Dark humor at its best
I am bollywood myself and I can confirm that this is 100% true
FrankieBoyle - "Unlikely things to hear on a childrens TV program"
Norton's got your back!
Bullets for when you run out of all those f*cks to give
Its a kind of magic
so gold stars then?
What if I tell you he can't also dive
Roses are rot, Das sky is Blau. Ich leibe dich, will you be mein frau?
They're turning this into a movie, Rock will be played by Morgan Freeman
... not sure what to feel now ...
As a short guy, this is painfully true.
Plot Twist: The guy's the mum.
In soviet russia
Whenever someone disagrees with natalia posts V.2
مؤامرة تويست
manboobs - so beautiful
it's great to be a man
tumblr gets bored sometimes
They will clap when they see my D major!
Bad? I'd say fabulous
Oh helix..
We need a new Enemy? Suggestions?
And then there is this one guy...
The gates of Hell have opened
I don't think thats a word
good job canada
Well he has just one year left. I think he had everything.
Whenever someone disagrees with natalya posts.
He's sleeping
The Katrina treatment.
Leggo humans, we need to hit the town
Guess the game.
Idiocy knows no bounds
Old habits are hard to forget
It's not an advertisement.
Karma works fast nowadays.
Didn't know Bolt was also a cop
To battle!
Swiper is swiping
Being a broke college student
Does it accept credit card?
Well, ***
Time for a name change
My response to the humorless TNA posts on HugeLOL [OC]
Mike and Sully made great parents.
Beware of dick-caused syndromes people
They probably go to a lot of hot dog eating competitions together.
MRW someone tickles my neck
What really was on the phone
He's still atheist though
And then Eve sued Adam for copying her work.
I give this the seal of approval
do she got da booty?
Speedy's been with all your sisters.
Moment > Ohio.
Friends Can Be Real Jerks Sometimes.
But first.. let me take a selfie
I hear that Stripes man's secret ID is Robin Banks
i will burn in hell for this
Long live the King.