When i'm wearing a penguin costume on a train and get caught looking at the middle-aged women

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Nothing to do here
play it cool carl!
When your mom says it's time to go but starts talking to someone.
Peruvian Jellyfish Sombrero
Very Profound Family Guy...
Just because.
Enjoy your cake !
Seals, the potatoes of the ocean
What it's like talking to a new user.
Worst part about having had cleaned my grandma's house with Cousins.
pretty far for my standards
When i accidentally send the wrong message
Suddenly , BEARS !
"Who's a good man? You are. Oh yes, you are."
Gurl!! Dat shirt with thoses shoes?!?!!
Jeremy Clarkson is a jerk
i guess he did
Damn you George R. R. Martin
But.. But.. Captain... Why?
Jaime's Way of Saying 'I'd Hit That'
Defeat her
god is watching you
Arnie is a jerk (longer version)
yeah, science... ***
"Oh you, ken"
fresh shirt bro
don't eat all the cake joffery
Happy Birthday to the ground!
Which episode was it anyway?
Now you know
When people tell me I shouldn't stereotype
Dammit Neo! You were supposed to be the chosen one!
Classic burns
Answer d) obviously isn't
They are probably below 9000
This cat will be found
he'd have everybody choked up
That dog's a true inspiration to us all
The visual representation of metal as ***
Shove that K up your ass christina
Just a little magic
Cage feels.
Damn man that referee
How to skyrim
When texting girls
Cartman always delivers
I found op's dad!
Yep, definitely
But shit, it was 99 cents
I'm not from virginia
The cold never bothered him anyway.
Happens everytime
when you actually did your homework but forgot it at home
Did you know it was used in WW1 ?
You can tell if someone lies by looking at their eyes
The time has come... and so have I
I wanna see your fishstick
He won
Tina is the most gorgeous man I've seen in my life
s-s-senpai san
Alfred, perhaps a greater troll than The Joker.
***es be like...
Geez brian
Life hack.
Stop criticism
kids these days
That subtle hints that we don't get ATM
Strip club issues
And then we'll check the one in his anus
Only dreams now
That ball don't take no shit.
Almighty Gods of the Internet
"I'll show you"
Silly car, you're not a blanket, you're a vehicle
Regretting an instant decision you just made
I can feel the irony here
Check your privilege
shit is about 2 get real
Snoop on Weeds (the TV show), another post about snoop dogg & weed.
wub wub wub
When the acid kicks in
Hey...that's not fair, you're a cheatah
One face
Serves her right
This shit is bananas.
swallow you ***
working in IT in a nutshell.
I guess this is why you're supposed to label your units
Losing your parents in the supermarket
Sorry, please try again.
I swear it was bigger before!
Japanball also taught me how to do this nice thing called hentai. Ever heard of it?