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Twitter : @syncro***
PSN : Sync_eX
17 year old.
Passionate about Debating, Singing, watching movies and T.V. Series.
And Gamer

Next Posts
The old Amanda Todd
Monday mornings...
But it's his phone right?
Magneto vs. Duke - easy!
Just bond...
Original pedobear...
Hitler is offended
How could this guy make it to the college?
Happy Husbands
Dumb b*tch
I'm going to hell for this
Tarzan needs to be careful of the bees
Magic Trick
Homemade Ferris Wheel
Like i give a f*ck
One of my favorites :D
When You See It
Well, i'm f*cked
Appearance Can Be Deceiving
Anarchy in the UK
Almost the same
Dog vs The Force
Pedobear? oh wait, just Kon
When you just found out someone already posted what you just wanted to post
Because parachutes are too mainstream..
Don't you hate it when this happens to your front lawn?
Rapest cat is a rapest
Good Guy Kittinger
Go Banana
My childhood
Keeping it real
Another Skyrim comic
Shut up and take my money!
Annnnddd he's probably dead
Scumbag teacher strikes again
Choo-Choo Motherf*cker
True sh*t
Technically a gay
Going out with your best buds.
Fat jokes
Just Americans
Tricky question indeed
Seems legit....
It Hates Its Job
I wonder why...
There's only way to get out of this!
Tell me that's not the ugliest creature you've ever seen...
Dude, hello
I lol'd...
Felix Baumgartner WIN!
Even dora has got more freedom
My motto
Who needs a SWAG ~?
I just had the wish to vomit.. and punch her face...
The best chemistry joke!
The Most Hated Lie
Nice Design!
Speaking "Whale-ish".
Don't worry, friend!
For the LULZ
Dammit Matt!
When someone is about to take a photo of me just for no reason.
Went to a wedding yesterday. The officiator held up this sign during the "First Kiss".
When someone tell you something good.
Exactly how I look....
Satan at his best
Feeding baby turtles...
The Formula for Getting Laid.
How I imagine I am with babies...
When your best friend sees your gf 1st time
Only in Ireland. Ah sure it'll be grand!
Maybe tomorrow...
Seems legit.
Just Stoner Stanley commenting on Felix...
Me Everywhere
Where can I apply for that?
I thought i saw something else...
ADHD Sleep
Hedgehog tank
So true
Good Guy VLC Player
Just some people on facebook/twitter
We All Did This
Airlines Wars!
Michael Bay's Main Man
Did NOT see that coming...
Cyanide & Happiness #2954
Trying to carry all of the groceries in one trip
Well it looks like i have to go to best buy again...
I see what you did there Japan
Turn right, here
Look what i found...