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It's my duty to please your booty! And if I put in a mother***ing repost, don't *** on my ass like you're butthurt mother***er, just say it politely.

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and i'm just sitting here, trying to find OC .. goddamn
Prevent Natural DIsasters
How the Internet works
rock headed b*tch
yo mama
that *** hated midgets
Awwww yissssss mutha ***in' cheestssss
Gonna get u
Your mom fell out of her bed
That'll make em listen
If you ask me, 1 dollar a week is too much
I guess the black walkers are stealing horses.
The Perfect Crime
tonight i'm sleeping on the couch
Black Science Guy/Neil Degrasse Tyson strikes again
France can into strike
why aren't we funding this?
Should have worn his turban..
Me when playing every multiplayer rpg with an high level companion
Me trying to learn a whole semester in 2 days
Cry every time
Printers gonna hate
And nevertheless they call Kinder Surprise dangerous
no way!
Jew better run Kosovo
Don't drink water!
Praise the sun!!!
that's wacist
'air bethlehems'
How to catch Sansa.
finals in a month. still have time.
Cheers, HUGELOL. (Links in the comments)
Condoms be like
German Ball approves
Smooth Spock
Remember kids, never rush breakfast
How to put the fun in funeral.
should've not called her "my nigga"
Don't know if you are Bready for this...
Sibling Rivalry.
On the next episode... Of the Twilight Zone
How to defeat North Korea you ask?
PrayTallica , PRAYER, HOLYDETH , Juda's Priest, oh wait
[plays tuba while chasing fat man]
Hugelol's Reckoning (requested).
When i play against Protoss..
Dammit, Warren.
oh no
Spreading the seed of guilt
Do you even Africa?
Did they really just...
What do you get when you merge Austria and Germoney? Cookies!
Welcome to Brazil...
Respect your mom's concerns.
Maybe she gave birth to a shark
We are the night
to hogwarts!!!!
the horrors of war
HL where the comments are sometimes funnier than the post
So Finals are finally here, huh ? HUH ?
Prom date not yet unlocked
Flappy Bird Simulator
it doesnt seem painful though
let's play russian roulette!
Oh France.
on a scale from hodor to hodor
can't look at coffee the same way
Me as a parent.
Thranduil being thranduil
And then everybody dies.
Problem solved
This is quite Punny...
*** the Confession Bear
This works too.
I should get a vacuum cleaner
Your world shall burn.
We are here all night to lose Ctrl
a hugeloller going outside
My thoughts when someone tells me he's going to the gym :p
There must always be a Heisenberg
How lovely...oh wait a minute
American brains don't even exist
Op's favourite sport
It's true.
New adventure game for the Nintendo Wii!
i cant here you it's too dark
it's a free thong jesus christ people...
sick of your sh*t carl
this guy's going places
is it wrong that this picture gave me a boner ?
Browsing the web, found this
Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life
Adapted for my generation