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The "friendly" neighborhood Commenter and proud Oldfag Lurker who seldom posts bad selfmade memes
5-Year Club

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It's not Abracadabra
well that escalated quickly
Metropolis before Superman
Ye are a scurvy pirate
72,519 stones...
MFW I forget to pay the electric bill
People are Stupid as shit.
NSA is watching you
Wat r u doing
Not everything you read on the internet is True ~ Abraham Lincoln.
Should've updated Adobe Reader
Sums up my PC in the summer!
So op was rated
It freaks me out when people on HL call me a ***, like how tf to you know I'm OP?
he is the son of his father after all
Rich people be like
My wife felt me because I'm dyslexic
A spider!
i wish i was japanese so i could just shoot these whales
liek if u cry evry tiem
England's best score of the World Cup.
this is what dreams are made from
i was "mistaken" for a pervert
Ricky Gervais, Joke Killer
If Google was a guy
༼ 㤠◕_â—• ༽ã¤
World cup fever ðŸ˜
I'm A Title
I would be pleased to help her
Why I love Stephen
Floor is lava
Please don't purge me from the holly land
Class Struggle v2.0
The confusion level is over 9000
If only I was better at making titles I might have someone to spoon with.
Dietitians hate her, what's her secret?!
here's an update for the after-wor
How I deal with the new Hugelol right now
GOLD = MONEY So please support HL
Every americans dream
Love is a Game.
Not bad, Fox News, not bad.
He looks higher than a giraffe's pussy
What OP eat's when he gets a raise (1$-1,01$)
/b/ in math class
dark souls: when you win, you don't
The trolling dead
No world cup for you Brazil
'murican moms in a nutshell
Introducing HUGELOL GOLD
Gotta plant that flag son
Plan for not having a plan: *** you i'm batman
Just trying to make smalltalk
this confuses me moahhhr than is should
Average hiddenlol users be like
Neymar vs. the internet
Come on Dad, for the freedom of 'Murica
no hue only dreams now
The Simpsons did it first!
World Cup predictions: Who will win the World Cup?
Traditional German tactic we saw there today.
Mother Russia
Laughed a bit more than I should
Brazil Vs Germany in Google's vw beetles
The Germany Vs Brazil game summed up in a GIF
Germany is back
4th of July 4Chan vs Tumblr never forget
People who missed the first 30 mins of Brazil v Germany match
"Its Müller Time" "No Germany No!"
bulba-colored also features tentacle rape
We never really wanted them smaller after all
Salary idea from Jon Stewart
Thou shalt love thyself.
za guret yocchan vs tambura wor
Tumblr people are actually pretty cute...
My view on Tumblr vs 4chan
you just had to, didn't you?
The GIF That Defines the American Healthcare System
Nintendo called it
Every game with stamina
Amazon always has such timely delivery.
Poor Moe
Do not even try to deny it
Goddammit Pizza Hut.
Well played sir
At last I see the light
The Monty Python Olympics.
Tom Hanks with a swing and a miss.
by Grant Clover
don't forget the molecular dissolve button
Ohh Dylan.