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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Plan for not having a plan: *** you i'm batman
Just trying to make smalltalk
this confuses me moahhhr than is should
Average hiddenlol users be like
Neymar vs. the internet
Come on Dad, for the freedom of 'Murica
no hue only dreams now
The Simpsons did it first!
World Cup predictions: Who will win the World Cup?
Traditional German tactic we saw there today.
Mother Russia
Laughed a bit more than I should
Brazil Vs Germany in Google's vw beetles
The Germany Vs Brazil game summed up in a GIF
Germany is back
4th of July 4Chan vs Tumblr never forget
People who missed the first 30 mins of Brazil v Germany match
"Its Müller Time" "No Germany No!"
bulba-colored also features tentacle rape
We never really wanted them smaller after all
Salary idea from Jon Stewart
Thou shalt love thyself.
za guret yocchan vs tambura wor
Tumblr people are actually pretty cute...
My view on Tumblr vs 4chan
you just had to, didn't you?
The GIF That Defines the American Healthcare System
Nintendo called it
Every game with stamina
Amazon always has such timely delivery.
Poor Moe
Do not even try to deny it
Goddammit Pizza Hut.
Well played sir
At last I see the light
The Monty Python Olympics.
Tom Hanks with a swing and a miss.
by Grant Clover
don't forget the molecular dissolve button
Ohh Dylan.
Something's bakin' and it ain't me
Ohh Bukowski.
When I upload a new post 30 seconds ago.
Average Hugelol user nowadays
Been caught stealing
Meanwhile at Castle Greylol
*whale noise intensifies*
Tumblur in real life.
They know the truth.
Batman Arkham Knight is looking real good.
Fat Camp.
The scariest of all grandmas
Cost Rica lost in a "krul" way
And i'll get one just for posting this
Every time...
You may now...
I lied
It is contagious
Hiddenlollers in training
Poor Erin.
Average white trash british teenage girls
damn it,hamas!
when freshmen ask me how's it feel to be a senior
Just another normal day underwater
Cri everi tiem
The true meaning of the hat.
Owning a gun is like compensating for the lack of owning a gun
Happy Independence day, America.
having problems with untangle headphone cords?
Simulator simulator
Hiddenlol on Hugelol Mods
That's what happening, when mom's not home for too long.
they are starting to make fun of themselves
Thief level: 99
those MRW posts sometimes are too perfect
Don't tell me to choose Wisely...
Who's Ghandi?
Rek u good.
He could have been nailed twice
Goddamit Russia!
America cannot into Ukraine.
smoking isnt the only thing that kills
Nothing shall go unpunished.
Germanic Master race
When dads play videogames
Buying a new pair of shoes
Got a universe to save, cheerio!
Raven's hidden mystic arte
You have to be careful
Actually, that is not a toyota, but anyways
'Muricans not allowed
finding the last slightly 'controversial' joke on Hugelol
How will my child get clean without the washing machine to clean him?