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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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It takes heart to give to others in need
The big question of the commonwealth games.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Now stop complaining :)
When I overheard there's more tequilla
Lets all sing
How can jews be real if bin laden isn't real?
Being childish
New and improved UI
Mr. and Mrs. Dish
9/10 would want to be a watermelon
Mods be like
Original title
Perfect timing.
"To View This Title, You Must Have The Title Bundle Pack For 59.99$"
Gotta love Robert Downey Jr.
Donate to a meaningful cause pls
Dirty Darwin.
Gang-star as f*ck
I introduce you: The Bedsnake Beater
Assume the position and get back down on your knees * scrub scrub*
Bad Pun: #1
Come on Congress.
Ups I did it again
mfw I see my ex with the person she told me not to worry about
I need sexism cuz
MRW death wants to dance battle for my life
When im about to start watching porn but theres someone in the house wandering around.
***ing Reality.
You can feel his hate
Ditching PJ's and slipping into our birthday suit is the way to go guys
Papa's boys
It happens
Bloody 'stralia!
Let the girl have her ***ing cereal
They see me surfin', they're dyin'
Well, they're not wrong.
They are all dirty.
This was a great show
Life is a game
Share a Instagram of coke with: (Post name in comments)
The Numbers of the Beast
This is how it went. Confirmed.
so strong that even the asian behind suffered it
Germany is used to workings
Let Battle Commence
What the actual ***
Oh, don't cry honey
Lucky for him that the d*ldo arrived the day before
The wall needed to be painted anyways.
When I see dat ass
Fully commit, or eat shit...
when you fail at life even when you are the main character
The food was good but the housekeeping was really rude
Clif Hanger
Best funeral ever!
Collect Karma guys!
Forgotten should stay forgotten for some reason
this one time at the band camp ...
It's just superstition after all.
pew! pew! pew! pew! pew!
Where is the gold and promised land i was told about?!
As good as the last one
Love that animal
was that him? I don't nose
They see us bending, they hating (8)
Jesus christ skylar
scienc stahp!
Some editor has waited their entire life to write something like that.
Its beach time...
How to enhance your coffe
A friend of mine was at the airport and found Asian Morgan Freeman
I seem to have a hatred to *** ingrained in my being...
the more you know
The new iPhone...
tumblr ***es
Oh, Pixar.
Karen pls
Home defense while cleaning
Gooby pls
I need a place to hide too
To all of you pathetic guys out there
Armadillo saves the day
Classy 4chan
He just doesn't give a shit anymore.
best crossover ever.
Shovel Knight is Ready to Dig You a New Butthole
I don't detect any fail in his plan
Cool Cop
Always care what you say
Thank you Siri
Someone has been using my razor
The one true cancerous site