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Just a man with a plan to make a fan out of a can to cool his pan after a nice tan. (Not quite sure where I was going with that)

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that's dark
Always Honor the Bro Code
When I downvote a post and reaches to the front page
That moment.
GTA in real life
Easier 'done' than 'said' this time.
GTA in real life 2
18 Sick Facebook Burns.
ehhh how else do you keep them warm? dumbass
Canadian Moshpit
When babe is tired but you want more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Life Sure is Something
For my americans friends, is called lettuce
in order, WOW, Dark Souls, and FFXIV
When your girlfriend see your browsing history
Alpha Male detected
what really happened that day
I purged the lanes so Hugelol Admins can chill their mamaries
When the intro is soo bad
when I am showing my mom my condo
Oh Peter.
Nice rate
can I watch?
How to turn someone down
never let Poland near your car
dat was punny ... heh
*pops party poppers*
You gotta reach for it!
U wot m8?
Epic design fail
no fouling
A white girl got some bad news
Legolas pls.
Private sign reporting for duty
*** told she was pregnant
Satan is being needy ***
Pickup line that gets all the girls
well ...
Da rude Sandstorm
y u do dis?
Ranked games be like:
Art is Subjective
He apologizes
It's just a flesh wound!
Public Service Announcement. Also, Hail Hydra
He's a winner
Seems legit
deal with it
Oh thankg God! I was confused for a moment!
I'd like to know the story behind the local train service's bathroom stickers.
The Newfags are strong within this one
He kind of already created a age of democratic darkness in 2008
League of Muricans
I hate you. I hate you, you're not my real dad!
ménage à nope
Reaching for the stars
She would know...
God help you
they are indeed
You had one job China
Dad, what if this is a dream and you're about to wake up?
kevin you s.o.b, that's my doughnut....
hashtag deep
Mind Blown
Shitting bird scores a goal
You tell them Jesus!
But it's not illegal... Right ?
Charlie u little ***er
Posibly worst NSFW
colleges be like
She wasn't naked
börk börk mother***er!
A normal day in Skyrim
Turn the god damn lights off!!
Just normal people at the gamescom
jew story
how to become a real G
Wow, man, you takin a shit too ? Man, we match up,we match up
***es be like
Choose dogs, Choose right
And then you vomit on their furniture and blame it on the dog
Gay chess
Really clever
Apparently karma makes you live longer..
A new downvote GIF for everyone.
Man trolls the news (again)
Be that kind of Dad
Magician Tries To Sell Weed To Cops
who would have thought this day would ever come
*** Mario
Aragorn pls
How to get slimmer
I made some african food
Bat Chef Only Works In One Symbol