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Ufff, yesss... Guess I could be called an oldfag, but I'll stay here despite the chaos on 3/9/14
03.09.2014 - The day I got Gold for the best comment of the day (dafuq)

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religious debates be like....
Hugelol and Hiddenlol:The Difference
When hiddenlol'ers stop by the LEGO shop
Now ***s can mate and reproduce
surely HL will deliver
c'mere ***, let's be ***s together
realistic standard gone awry
Tip #3
"it runs in my family!"
the feels, man
We do not want you and we do not need you. Just fyi
plot twist: father is not white in real life
***ing leopards
I know its good to stay positive but...
Me trying to reach Front
he needs Jesus
#G8 #WithDaM8s #Put-inBoy #BeenLifting #Summer
There's no escape
marks spot the x
Lorraine doesn't like ugly babies
100% foolproof
What time is it?
HiddenLol posts be like
10/10 Would buy
Damn it carl!
Mum… dad… I’m moving out
Really long fox
I'm not sure if Brock sees what he did there
When anon went to the mall
When you are drunk and your friend say one more beer
do they show the porn to their friends?
Wet blonde girl riding an aroused stallion
That twist doe
Everytime i try to post anything
HL have special discount with this beauty
opposite day!
Some say if a Viagra gets stuck in your neck...
watching this hurts
I'm a fan of the new Commandment.
I Got Challenged while Playing Outlast
i always told you you were fat
Eh? Nandatte?
MRW windows freezes
he graduated from gangster school
just mexican things
Dumb Nadeshot
The last slice of pizza
Im not sure my computer meets the system requirements...
How come my feet smell if they don't have a nose
The ice bucket challenge aint enough to heal that burn
Plot twist: both of them are men ;)
Kinky Anne
The old guy in the back look suspicious to me.
The Malfoys send their regards.
when repost gets gold
Great advice from grandpa,
Achilles and his mom
tell me your toy story, princASS
just lego things
*autism intensifies
Yes to Cannibalism
Shit happens
I volunteer as tribute !!! guys anyone with me?
thanks for keeping my bike safe bro
Dumb Tatted Bosnian
Poor Caveman Kids have to wait 150 000 till Christmas
By the power of grayskull mother***er
Gateway anime later lead to hardcore hentai. Say no to Sailor Moon
Anon knows what`s up
dont mind me...just grabin yo ass thasall
I never went to School
Failing at your job
Ice Bucket Expectations
Still a better movie than Jewrassic Park
Ariana Grande
If he didn’t want to be decapitated, he shouldn’t have worn a shirt that showed off his neck
Lesbians on tv
And that was the first, and last, parachute made by Icarus Synthetics Inc.
nickydickbutt? I can't even..
PTS Wolverine
Canada has a good school system.
They prefer Native American Burial Grounds.
Street name
Booty pics are the best medicine
Homophobic chicken
The difference between Male and Female
Looking Into the Mega Face of Horror
We all need someone to tell us how bad we drive
Simba u fallin behind. Mufasa plz