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A chinchilla once pissed in my face and I'm not sure if it's poisonous...
The more I try to contribute to this site, the more I realize I'm not funny and I'm going to die alone...

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sexting 101
It's all about the technique
Me watching Hugelol lately
she could've become a star in one of those fat-loss ads
Plottwist: She lied about it
It will enshrink.
Life hacks
T'is becoming shiet
Either really smooth or forever alone
Turn down for what
Putin on Ukraine
This Is How You Treat a Lady
someone forgot to moisturize her
gentle touch for kids
But since you're not atheist yet, I'll have to postpone your pay until you find a new planet
Hiddenlolers visiting the wal-mart near to you
White People
Hell yeah
Watch out, it's Mr StealYourKid
Getting What You Really Want
The Rare Double Hoverhand
A Little Helloo
Are we reposting or what?
his friends are special bread
So That's Who's Behind Global Warming
Anyone offended?
That's a Positive Outlook For Aging
No spooning can be pretty dangerous
Welcome to Hugelol
so are jews and they're ba...oh wait this is hugelol
if it moves...
for the robbers, obviously
You gotta do watcha gotta do
That is why you have to wear a helmet
and the there's this.
still smarter than the average 'murican
Men 1 Feminazis 0
When mods post
'wat' is all I can say.
Accomplishing something in life
How sperms look inside a condom
When you start playing Dark Souls 2
Revolver Ocelot
In 'Murica, bigger is better!
Mods! Mods!
Are you concerned about ebola?
Follow your dreams
Kim is mad cause he cant get either
Sounds legit
Being "Warned"
My parents love this thing
Why the trutles?
...It was a different time...
Of the Frustrated Captioned Adventures of George Washington
How about some DLC
Can't think of a punion...
Whenever anyone asks "should I watch the anime or read the manga?
stop it Barb, you can still attach Ken's head to some cucumber
new life hack
Expert Level
Check your privilege!
The mariana trench of social justice
The patriarchal attitude
MFW someone calls me out for reposting
The circle of life
MRW showing hdl to a friend
Train wreck in India
Action Hitler
Turnip the beat!
The hidden steak
Bad luck Basket-Pete
The guy who touched it was probably James Gunn!
He doesn't seem turned on either.
The most effective way to end bullying
calm down satan
everybody will know
O kurwa!
They must've taken the same Tae Bo classes.
She was probably just twerking.
F**** you i am dad
My experience with visiting hl recently
ohhh yeah
this is how i feel about my paycheck
Do you understand why I am this fat now? Or do I need to explain it again.
White girls, always entertaining (sauce in comment)
*** disney, i want to go there
Ey,, gurl. Want me to jiggle your tatas?
I wanted to find 'Imaginary Madrid', but hey, it's something!
when somebody can't finish their food
Things aren't going well