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Oldfag trying to restore HUGELOL. Complain about my posts? How about you submit good shit yourself?

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when i'm flirting with a dude and he says 'no homo tho'
shut down
Well well well
He's climbin' in yo' window
Sharing is caring
keeping it real
The turtle Cavalry means business
what it feels like to reach front with bullshit
Sure, not gay...
Found this card at Target
(No homo)
How I feel about some comments I see
When you about to fall asleep and remember you had homework
Sentient-Ventriloquist-Superman/Dog with a cape was thing. Just wanted you to know that.
Really nice children´s book
Star Trek
I love how the baby stays stuck to her boob while she runs.
For sale:
Piggies and the Wolf
The Cancel button is unclickable btw...
FOX doesn't give a shit
russians be like: me and my friend Yurij Yurijvich
No really!
they are the vengeance. they are the night.
max parenting
Guy says he's made a hobby out of embarrassing his daughter...
Chipotle's CEO on gay marriage
Daniel Sloss loves Tinder
New concept art for far cry 5 leaked
This works for everyone!
Damnit, MoonMoon.
(no homo)
One job, you had ONE job
I am not so sure
Why didn't he 'juice' truth *superbadpun*
Learn from the best
Girls don't poop
Scumbag apple
Gotta love a car salesman with a sense of humor.
Pssst... Incognito Mode
scotland be like
Time to play campus preacher bingo
I'm going to hell
Hit me!
HDLer's be like
No comment
Automoderation at its finest
"Sir here is a list of people who hate you on Hugelol"
Good Advice!
The smoothest!!
How i treat my vegan friend when they visit me
Facebook "relateds" win
I call Compensation on this one
...And then add one teaspoon of arrow to the knee...
MRW the first kid to get an iPhone 6 in Perth dropped it during an interview
Staying classy
It gets nein miles per gallon
MFW exam results are emailed to me when I least expect them
Amazon Chat Racism
this will always be hilarious to me
Punctuation is important
How city workers decide which projects to start:
Stoners be like
They are of one of a kind!
God's wise words!
I knew it all along!
For real
Time to learn some geography...
maybe next time...
Her skin was a too white, but the her eyes made up for it.
For the fuhrer !
*** please your bullets don't affect my awesomeness
Let me get that for you
All that sacrifice.. in vain
Time to act
Let me out!
These ***es
They will never take our freedom!!
4Chan does it again, microwave chargin with iOS 8
Seems Legit
The girl on the left really got me
From the archive; he did try.
Safety First
Stop copying from me Vicky!
This happened a school today..
Gaming hitler
Yeah Mike, where should he put it?
James Cameron, You Sly Dog...
Shut down government! (Found on twitter)