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Oldfag trying to restore HUGELOL. Complain about my posts? How about you submit good shit yourself?

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Every Abortion Billboard ...
Smooth, Anon, saved it.
MRW I get caught raping a donkey by an US Drone and now its all over the news
totally valid
friday thoughts
How OP hopes to get a wife
Smooth as ***
What I would like to do to AtLeastISubmit But I have no power to ban Bots ....
When we see a proud 4chin user on the streets
''Did you see that? I almost hit that ebola with my m107!''
The Birds, the Bees and ..
This explains a lot. What a hero!
average view before boarding flight to murica
It's cool, my phone never freezes when i receive texts
MRW a drunk girl at the bar propositions my girl and I for a threesome
It's a good view
Froot Jam
Pregnancy issues
Pants Past 7
No sex = no condoms = profit
LOL, JK never happened
its tiem
A Lot of You Could Use This
They must be... what else?
For Halloween this year target wants to give people heart attacks.
Bruh ! , I dont even wanna know.. but I guess this is where centaurus come from ! Prolife 100%
xerxes get things done
because non-atheists can never be scientists
Pumping pussy like....gas?
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ oh my !!
what if wild scissors-stabbin occurs?
dem lines
50 Years on Facebook
No threats of nukes recently
How to draw a horse
This guy got too lucky...Not your typical /b/eta
I'm embarrassed to say this Is accurate.
Skyrim Problems
Look at those knockers
Krusty Krab penis is the penis
United Börks of America
still, smoking prevents you from dying old
feminist rage in 2.50MB
>Drill Sergeants
Checking your browser history after fapping
Not this again, Cinderella
Ready to get hammered?
the lost brother who didn't pass the fast elimination contest
The wat when browsing tumblr
is that squidward's toupee?
Is dumbness spooky?
Anything is a dildo if you are brave enough ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dad won the internet !
when *** refuse to make me sandwich
So this is a thing now..
Can we please stop using the word 'bae'
all said...
Neck tattoos
Stories about sick people always rustle my jimmies
look at his toes
Happens everytime
Newly weds can't contain their happiness
the secret behind water coolers
I also like to live dangerously
Tonight at 11...
Fat squirrells need to learn their place
Hiddenlol writes a fan letter to Walter White
another one! so majestic!
these hoes ain`t loyal
Jar of hearts
Australian Street gang going all out on local news !
yeah, christmas is coming
somebody finally found them
Love can be Confusing
Don't be a hero
Motivation is the key
listen to your Mom they said, it's safer they said
White people , Oh and tyrone in the back looking happy and sh*t
Roman times best times
*** off, Tim
/b/ plays "name 10 things that are not Jackie Chan"
How it feels to date chubby girls
you can't un-gangsta us mom
/b/ always delivers
Glad it's the same.
More please?
When you expect epic sh*t to happen
his guys a legend
Curing Cancer
not sure if alpha or beta
we're not sure...