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The eskimos called they want their door back.
Art tutorials be like
Blaxican Restaurant
Dem horny seals
Next week on Extreme Cheapskates: Never purchase a knife again!
pussy so good
Parkour beginners
Buffalo right now
Black Guys and the "N-Word"
Sneezing on your period...
I've always wanted to say this to a girl...
Who's next?
Grandma's never *** around.
Nothing I guess.
Does he look like a B*TCH?
Trust test.
Dave Grohl is the man
Too late to go back now
The future is now!
Putting a woman on a dollar bill
Turkey says *** your shit
No, you're just supposed to sniff it!
Well that escalated quickly...
Think I found a pattern for my next spacecraft landing shirt !
The american way of teaching
Didn't see that coming
These 3 deserve an A+ on their shenanigans
Dad jokes
This is about to happen
Advantages of Interstellar Travel
Scroll Hugelol, it's some green text gold here
So rude...
MRW she says it's going to be $120 to get her hair done
Checkmate, atheists and christians
Wait a minute...
History is written by the Victors
Chuck testa
Dear diary... Jackpot.
Wait. What?
Wu-Tang clan aint nuthing ta *** with.
Do her in a toilet cubicle with a stranger?
The Ultimate Trick Play
Dat shit
Once upon a time....
Girls who go tanning...
He is the MAN in the house!
Old habits die hard
Was not disappointed
"ask a quadruple amputee anything"
1 UP!
A mere flesh wound!
She was destined for this job.
thanks, dad!
Thanks dad...
Oh seasonal candy
Drop School , Stay in drugs , Say no to milk , - Hydra
Heel, mother***er.
A never ending story...
Restroom funnies.
Classic Stevie Wonder joke
Rap Has Changed
Mexican Hero
New machine at the gym...
Fries before guys
running in any game that has stamina
There's a sloths face on the back of this mans head
Bank of gamestop
Dem tattoos.
Think again
Normal people going to hiddenlol for the first time .
Each day is a gift
U wot m8
Dear God...
Well, this is a thing.
*Fly intensitive*
Beating lil shit who challenges you 1v1 on League of Legends
Bill Nye the Time Traveler Guy
Will always be amazed by this guy
damnit Ikea...
Just Girly Things
I dare you!
Spiderman there for Ops since 2000*
I've made a huge mistake.
Bow to the power! !!
RIP Journalism
Clean your room!
Anon names a band
Girl tweets a joke to her school district about canceling school, gets promptly shut down.
***ing Hawkgirl
Karen is an angel
The cobra effect
Oh Dominos.
If the moon landing happened today