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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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what's the rush?
Well then Nintendo...
no, no, supaman no here
I think I'm in the 'leaving' category
The TL;DR Bible
What is your emergency?
Finals be like
Has Randy gone to far...
He's the alpha male
is it the same door ?
Claire runs around her city, drawing giant dicks using Nike+
they always pick on comic sans. :(
Nice save
Such a count
DJs these days
This might be the oldest baby I've ever seen
Food court got a newly installed waterfall
They definitely do
Always read the fine print
The eskimos called they want their door back.
Art tutorials be like
Blaxican Restaurant
Dem horny seals
Next week on Extreme Cheapskates: Never purchase a knife again!
pussy so good
Parkour beginners
Buffalo right now
Black Guys and the "N-Word"
Sneezing on your period...
I've always wanted to say this to a girl...
Who's next?
Grandma's never *** around.
Nothing I guess.
Does he look like a B*TCH?
Trust test.
Dave Grohl is the man
Too late to go back now
The future is now!
Putting a woman on a dollar bill
Turkey says *** your shit
No, you're just supposed to sniff it!
Well that escalated quickly...
Think I found a pattern for my next spacecraft landing shirt !
The american way of teaching
Didn't see that coming
These 3 deserve an A+ on their shenanigans
Dad jokes
This is about to happen
Advantages of Interstellar Travel
Scroll Hugelol, it's some green text gold here
So rude...
MRW she says it's going to be $120 to get her hair done
Checkmate, atheists and christians
Wait a minute...
History is written by the Victors
Chuck testa
Dear diary... Jackpot.
Wait. What?
Wu-Tang clan aint nuthing ta *** with.
Do her in a toilet cubicle with a stranger?
The Ultimate Trick Play
Dat shit
Once upon a time....
Girls who go tanning...
He is the MAN in the house!
Old habits die hard
Was not disappointed
"ask a quadruple amputee anything"
1 UP!
A mere flesh wound!
She was destined for this job.
thanks, dad!
Thanks dad...
Oh seasonal candy
Drop School , Stay in drugs , Say no to milk , - Hydra
Heel, mother***er.
A never ending story...
Restroom funnies.
Classic Stevie Wonder joke
Rap Has Changed
Mexican Hero
New machine at the gym...
Fries before guys
running in any game that has stamina
There's a sloths face on the back of this mans head
Bank of gamestop
Dem tattoos.
Think again
Normal people going to hiddenlol for the first time .
Each day is a gift
U wot m8
Dear God...
Well, this is a thing.
*Fly intensitive*
Beating lil shit who challenges you 1v1 on League of Legends