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Those Ausies and their weird imperial units
Tumblr users trying to be funny
Oh okay
Dammit Kevin, just eat your burger like a normal kid.
R.I.P. #3
Happy Black Friday Everyone.
As an Irishman seeing all these Thankgiving posts.
Back In The Old Days
Wine Drinking Instructions
The Most Explained "Do Not Enter."
Hanging out
Family heritage
damn it mom! now i have to exorcise it with my wii
Censorship vs. Internet
Nobody puts kitty on a leash
Black Friday.
Make her pay your rent
The perfect gift
New star wars trailer secretly filmed on phone at cinema
Ownership at it's finest ...
*** it
when you see a couple walk by and you know the hoe ain't loyal
God shave the queen
Racist rap battle
ill rek u
Best ad placement ever
Someone spilled coffee in Canada
This job isn't so bad
When a feminist has only her cat to spread her opinion to
He has a point...
Happy Thanksgiving
rekt... nope..
How to stop a feminist.
In Soviet Russia, you lift the plane
Probably not the most considerate name for a wheelchair.
Woman Logic: When in doubt, just jump out.
Brb trying to moo` in different accents.
dat shipwatch tho
Girls learn to walk again after horrible car accidents caused substantial spinal damage.
"At least they tried."
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone but never forgotten
Changing the past then BAM
Time to colonize
When someone tells me I've had enough to eat
"Who the *** are you?" "Who the *** are YOU?"
Oh how the tables have turned!
Best dad ever
Everyone in the left lane has seen Final Destination
Just a ordinary kindergarten teacher
Have you ever been so mad you cried in Spanish?
I won one internet ticket lately
that ***.
I Heard Ya Like 'Em Flexible? ... yeah,.... but not broken...
Sad Storeowner Sandeep
"My ancestors are smiling at me, Feminazis. Can you say the same?" never forget this guy
MRW the internet goes off on saturday
Cadbury doesn't play games
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the Coca Cola Corporation?
Better than batman
What are the cops gonna do? Shoot me?
How feminists react to criticism
Rival Cells...
grandpa knows his shit
Being a girl
A black guy, a priest and a rabbi get on a plane…
/b/ writing limericks about Mike Brown
when I heard Iron Maiden, UFO and Toto are releasing new albums in 2015
We are legion
Kids in Russia are well prepared for the hard life
Mfw dealing with a fagget
Its bewurf, the whaleslayer
How to end it
Too soon??
it's already muda mom
true patriotic bird
Behold Poolseidon
A holiday sport perhaps?
Would be an epic battle
Me too Joe, me too.
Jurassic Parks...
Black Friday Shoppers
Logic of America's Finest
Well ***
So Margaret?!
they do special ops
How to solve the problem in Ferguson
A lawn care company with a sense of humor.
Slav wedding
How Arnold will be spending his pension
RIP in peace like this dub fly
They took r jobs!
currently happening in 2309 houses in ferguson