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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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Must Send Signal
Not sure the package would fit through the door....
True narats ending
Christmas drinking game - every time somebody wears the hat, you drink.
Time to put up the lights...
Christmas Present Ideas
Urban camo Christmas edition.
cure to cancer found #3
Stabilised Star Trek
Pope Francis speaks up.
You'll get it when your older..
That's a terrible surprise.
This piece of art on a German christmas market
It's a hell of a drug...
I miss Michael
Take that clause!
Yeah, but that'll cost you $900 extra
Finally, a robot that's useful!
Revolutionary new Sauna Belt!
Expect the unexpected
Good to know
Romance food
One letter makes all the difference
Barbie does what now?
Potential and finances
Who is politely disagreing?
You're welcome Mitch
Bet he's a fat cop
When someone acts like a moral fag in a hentai discussion.
Photobumb of 2014
Megan's the dog
Me to my browser when i accidentally open a pornsite without incognito mode
He lights up the party
How the duck?
Jack and Coke
Something's not right....ohhh
Now illegal in the UK.
Yeah, no more Internet bullshit.
22.4 Megapixels of nobody cares
must be a DLC on goat simulator
Nice smokey smell
Same can be done with post karma
I can't even !
Walk naturally and you wont get brutally murdered .. - Cat sans tail
Press "F" to pay respects.
There are two types of people...
Having a bad day??
Never trust a clown
**shots fired**
Perfect ad placement
oh kim
Apparently yes, yes it was
How the NFL is handling the Ray Rice Situation
The secret is out!
So do we have a candidate for the next hitler? but seriously wtf is this
Gets 'em every time.
"I failed to see you again, mom"
Local Indian owned convenient store keeping it real
*** Susan
It's a sign
Knock Knock
BRB, buying apples
Getting real tired of your shit Goku.
So romantic
He could be out 6-8 weeks.
Found it quite amusing!
Clever Tinder Bot
Somebody clogged the toilet
Glad he clarified that
Oh fairy tail
Your crush is coming! quick act natural
"Flat Screens"
To all those "muh gates and Zuckerberg drop out muhhh"
Star Wars fans can stop freaking out now, I've solved it!
better call the erectrician
Well, I don't know about yours, mine is degree of toastyness
I'm starting to see a pattern...
expected ending
Just Bill Nye Being Awesome
Sleeping with ur pets
As an American this is too true. Denny's is delicious, at times..
Bear's favorite drink
d-don't give ideas to feminists
***ing with my ocd
Shots Fired.
Plot Twist
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
But not really
"Give me the stone!"
Butt Genie.