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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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"Flat Screens"
To all those "muh gates and Zuckerberg drop out muhhh"
Star Wars fans can stop freaking out now, I've solved it!
better call the erectrician
Well, I don't know about yours, mine is degree of toastyness
I'm starting to see a pattern...
expected ending
Just Bill Nye Being Awesome
Sleeping with ur pets
As an American this is too true. Denny's is delicious, at times..
Bear's favorite drink
d-don't give ideas to feminists
***ing with my ocd
Shots Fired.
Plot Twist
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
But not really
"Give me the stone!"
Butt Genie.
Cool timelapse of road work being done.
Greeting card for modern issues
in all seriousness though, you can wear pajamas to class?!?
Ray's wife explanation
7 words
Man, that's hot
Man, I'm pretty.
Car upgrades
"satanas" is also considered satan as well *the more you know
she's born that way
Woah, slow down there...
'tis the season for the Spanish Spider God
better safe than sorry, i always say
I need my *** soap gretchen!
Radical Islam
Ellen did it
What's in the box!
alpha male detected
Winter loading, please wait...
In this world we call it suicide, Sauce~D-Frag~
I doubt this one will ever say "Tyrone, I am your father"
Not afraid
RollerCoaster Tycoon
If Slash was a horse...
The new character from Assasins Creed: Grandma
Whenever I try uploading OC
"Failed today too. I'll try tomorrow."
This made me laugh more than it should of
Someone fetch some ice for this massive dad-burn
Every morning
Cute girls these days
Mittens. The barking kitty
Blenders are not that sexy
Ain't this the truth
Moses the hairdresser.
Come at me bro
MRW i'm daydreaming about the hot girl in class and the professor calls me on a question
Kids these days
The story behind Bill Nye's bow tie
Lazy cat trying to help
Usa ladies and gentlemen
Passive aggressive hippy.
BDL or Badass lightsaber
One does not simply overthrow Satan.
We all know this feeling.
what more is there to say?
What a cruel world we live in
A "New" invention to make the world a better place
Pigeon hacks Boss fight
stupidity fresh out of water
How to talk to girls
Works fantastic with the "Can I speak to the manager" starter pack
How to get the best view at a concert.
John looks like a team player...
Test gif. Please ignore
Cookies for Santa
Suck it, anonymous
You're in deep trouble, mister
oh Mike, them brownies were "kind of" toxic for monsters
Me trying to accomplish things in life...
Final project is due tomorrow
How the US media sees the Ferguson incident
Did he spread coke on the french toasts?!
No metter what you do...
Nativity scene finished
Hate it when this shit happens
A Parent's Job
Tree's done.
Oh teslas tree oh teslas tree ♫
My kind of Super Smash.