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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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when ISIS gives you an IED that only counts down to 8 seconds
Ran out of ***s to give
Ed Sheeran's diet tip
i am the law
Smart Kid
Jim Jefferies - "Actors"
when my mom asks me do clean my room
Sweet Jesus !
finally, this is why we germans check our boots
No one does..
seen at the Irish water protest in Dublin yesterday.
Two peas in a pod..
An Australian newspaper congratulates Benedict Cumberbatch on his engagement
He died, diedn`t he?
Mathematics with Facebook
Blunt promotion...
Now that all the torture architects are back in the news defending it...
Target ordered blank name badges. So they got Blank name badges
league player in a nutshell
To the girl in class who was talking about how upset when the guys at the gym "eye raped" her
Modern Feminism in a nutshell
Home Alone: The Road To Forgiveness
Morning motivation
The resemblance is uncanny
F*ck da police!
How to make your job easier - Firefighter edition
once you go black...
Kim K was ugly as ***
better needs a burn heal
much luv
Only 12$
Katie pls
Dad Builds A TV
When the kush hits
A Million Gallons of Fun
A Comcast field technician hard at work.
That finals week 3am buzz.
How corny
I met that girl whom heard me farting for 8 seconds
It`s okay so far...
A dad insisting on using his 'selfie stick'...
Selena Gomez just had her *** bleached
Just in case
God doesn't hate anyone
loot crew in GTA V confirmed
Bill Burr
An asthma attack, maybe?
Titanic is basically a really dramatic one-night stand.
Knowing nothing intensifies
How we catch the drug dealers in Scotland
And stray dogs are like hobos
A brilliant comeback from Peter Griffin
It's like a game to me
got tinder today. it's going okay.
I'll even do it for the free yo!
Oh... OK...
this is why games are banned
Totally underrated movie
Urban trolling.
Not sure this guy is helping the cause......
The Pirate Bay LIVES!!
50 Cent everybody
The police tries to take down The Pirate Bay
America's Funniest Home Videos
Homosexuals vs. Homophobes
Found Channing and Jonah
Seth Rogen gets it right.
Dafuq facts iz rong
Marrying Outside the Culture
Wise words...
He learnt how to perform sarcasm from the great Rowan Atkinson
This is getting out of control
Kids be like
Thank you browsing Random
Hedge trimmer for sale
Rudolph the useful reindeer
Stephen Yuen from The Walking Dead on dating…
Somebody forgot the first rule of the fight club.
Seasons Greetings
I'll have that, thanks!
The important things....
now stop..hatchet time
Asked Papa Johns to write a joke...
Truer words have never been spoken.
taking your gf to the house but she tells you she's on her period
The contract has been sealed
Director Peter Jackson takes a photo of Martin Freeman at "The Hobbit" premiere
Unfortunate passport photo
Marty Freeman at his best
'He was such a good boy'
Kevin was easy to relate to
From an outside perspective
"bacause of their personality"
A message we can all take to heart