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How is this even possible?
flip flop
Maybe it was...
Much better, in fact
Loads of them too
Thank god
Pick one
I like fireworks
Japanese High School Girls
All that waste of Dijon Mustard, as a French my surrendering sense is tingling !
It's a gateway to math.
Mark Ruffalo about taking his daughter to preschool.
Jesus helps recovering alcoholics out of recovery.
Never trust mike tyson
Finally a happy end.
That's unfortunate
Best negotiation technique
We don't call them orgies anymore?
How to find a reason to shoot the black guy
Real phone
A normal day at the History Channel.
Let's just re-examine this decal shall we?
Happy Birthday.
Microsoft is Building a New Web Browser Named Spartan
*tips ailerons*
im a dog
The repellent's effect wore off!
Once upon a time...
How to make a company logo
Seems accurate
Winter is Combing
2006: The Year M. Night Shyamalan's Deal with the Devil Expired
The Questioninator!
No one ever listened to me!
Too edgy for HL? OP will sit quietly in a corner and see
Batman makes everything sound so dark
Poor guy...
Miyamoto speaks the truth.
Its what's on the inside that counts
Nailed it
Thanks for the warning, Craig.
Must be a cheerleader thing
In other news
Say what?
Time for school!
Being home from college on holiday break
What using tinder feels like as a guy.....
future us #3
She came in like a wrecking ball
Well, what do you expect from femen?
Psst, hey
Smooth Skyler .. Very smooth ..
They won't know
Live and learn
What's a banana?
An hero we will always miss
His majesty King Harald V of Norway
Or maybe Nana...
Commitment issues
When u try 2b cool
going to a store and heard a catchy song, when this grll asked "what song is that?"
Suuuuure, a pen holder...
Well that is unfortunate
Two dogs
Can't stop me!
The wastland couldnt even handle him
Greetings from Heisenberg
Leaked from Putin's office
"Who's there?"
p2p players
the new frontier
Fair enough
News lady stayed up all night
Me & friend high as *** in public
Like and Share this miracle remedy!!!
I want to be President. I'll be black"
It was a mistake
He would be a great creationist
Australian Laughter
Slowly backing away... (N)
don't get upset. you've been near there
It looks like someone decided to turn their life around today.
rimjob. true love is indeed rimjob
just canadians things
A woman's work is never done...
The best Christmas card one could ever send
You want an insurance payout? I'll give you an insurance payout.
Oculus Rift tester (O)
"Trust me, i'm an engineer"