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Back in my days they didn't give trophies to the new ones... WTF!!! they took my throphy

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This is the textbook definition of parenthood.
These CIS machines and their dollar bill beauty standards!
Stupid Steve!
Never work for free.
Oh my god! RUN!!
Found this at a tattoo shop in Montreal.
Something seems a little off..
Pretty Loose Franchise Rules
Discovery channel
No one is safe
when annon goes to war
Nick Offerman's only rules for being a man
anon tries the gay thing
Ian Mckellen posted this picture to instagram a few weeks back.
Double Dealer
A face of a devastated dad
When you go back in time to promote your mixtape
What really happened
Learning how to swim with sensei
Just act natural
50 SHADES OF GRAY(web edition)
Of course not!
The world is heading for destruction
***es be treble
I'm not smart only because I use logic on a daily basis
Shopping for Valentines lingerie. One of these is not like the others...
The perfect use for it
Well Put Conan... Well Put...
First world problems...
Middle East Spiraling Out of Control
Well, that was a catastrophe
It's half past 9 o' hawk
Finally, a cool back window wiper
Mileena's bf is stupid
Only in Russia
Not shooting the black one.
College Level: Procrastination
Now there's a well deserved face of pride
The office fridge today
One ticket, please!
Not shockingly, the Simpsons got it right some time ago
Don't mess with Keira
What it feels like to get your tax refund.
Best SQL Injection Attempt Ever
What did she expect...
She's no Soviet Bear, but she'll do.
Anal probing in North Korea
The only possible reason
The gf wanted a dick pic
This is what getting out of highschool going to college was like for me
there it is
Small detail
Never ask Charlie Sheen for an autograph
Shopping for rubber on the stick thingy
Do you have a bobby pin?
Found a fake black guy at the pool scene in gridiron gang.
a sequel i'd like to see
When OP doesn't get the joke
I should probably not have gone up her Driveway that fast ...
praise talos
Just regular heaven for me please
It's funny how a space mission is cheaper than a movie.
Introverts unite, separately and in your own homes
When life gets you down, use Photoshop! See now you're awesome!
How you look like when you triggered a cutscene with enemies around you
Best kept secret
Beck doesn't have artistry like Beyoncé
When she's on her period...
Watch me do it.
Poor on inequality vs. Rich on inequality
The rage Microsoft must feel....
This guy has his priorities straight!
Working in retail like....
As Sally slowly turned around her darkest fears were realized. The penguins were back.
Apparantly Apple wants to release a car, it's so obvious where they got this idea ...
The dark thoughts of disney fans
Playboy's Unspoken Rules of Sex
Who would have thought
No Lie
Hipster Peer Pressure.
What a shame....
i think our cabbage friend needs help
Your mom's anal beads have arrived
Well, Target...
Look! I found a picture of FakU
Chris Pratt = Andy Dwyer
Italians actualy taste pretty good
Every episode of Property Brothers
Witty Cangaroo comment
so you won't get fined?
Handjob of the north star secret taijutsu
It's the only logical thing to do
Trust no one.
They gonna need a few more layers
I don't even have siblings