You could literally walk on the sun, and you would not be half as burnt as this *** is right now.
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Meth.... Not bad
Thanks Andy!
medium heat
Your Man's Balls
"I dont wanna die!"
Kanye's Reflection
Book Gandalf was a sarcastic smartass
Titanic Conspiracy
I'll buy you a car, but you won't forget it.
Correlation is not... oh wait, yes. Yes it is.
Kim Jong Hutt
Her last boyfriend was going bananas
4chan, helps people since 2003
Fitness is for winners.
"Give me The Order 1886... oh yeah... wait, WTF?"
You are gonna regret that decision Mr. President
Damn I'm good
Deadpool and Spiderman
You know, I'm here for the girls
So this happend
Lead me on the way to patriarchy
Pump Not Found...
Colorado: It's the thought that counts.
So poor they couldn't even afford a car with 4 seats
Alternate Selves
When someone asks me if they can use my PC
he also finds where's waldo while he was in the nursery
To those freaking out about SNL's ISIS sketch
Canadian Anonymous be like
How to pick up American women
meaningful donation
If you were a vegetable...
But only one of them makes money
Man up..
It's a trap!
...classic Ron
Why potatoes are the best veggie
when bros got your back
MAXIMUM Turbo!! Head Spin!
Thank You Mr. Naylor for joining us...........
supressing my trigger
Talking to the devil
The truth about cheese
He forgot step one
Us vs Them.
Old-school trolling from 1930
"Elmo" at the club
What are you trying to say?
The $1 bill resembles a bunch of dudes circle jerking
Trigger material
Asked a girl out. She said yes and asked what we were gonna do.
Oh Google, you so silly
MRW I hear an anti-vaxxer talking about "natural" cures for measles and polio
The Easiest Way To Learn Breakdancing
To everyone talking about their great summers
When ugly girls hit on you
Ajox Premium available for the first five comments!
How do I join
the meanest *** in the valley...
Total Honesty
Metallica knows
another kid thats definitley gonna go places
Sign seen in a pub's bathroom
when bae is home alone
Trolling before it was cool
Well now I'm a bit worried
Numbers game
Cosplay Photography in a Nutshell
There's no denying how true this is
Found some 4chan silver this morning
Trust fall
Magical probably
Black people don't have a choice...
People that post snapchat stories but never watch anyone elses.
Of course Twitch, of fcking course.
The truth about cats.
When you win a fight try to play cool but still *** it up
The key to happiness - Mr Peanut Butter.
Tinder seduction at its finest.
MRW I heared about the Dress thing
Eat your own shit klepto.
pls stahp
When u aint got game
*hits blunt
When you realize you forgot to close the porn tab
That's some fine journalism.
This reminded me of Stickybeard from KND
Call off the burglary, we're never getting in this place.
Laundry's Stupid
When life gives you bananas...
Florida sewer Rat.
Hello Baby!
He does though
Found this at Best Buy. Send help...