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I am not new here. Every time I log off and I want to log in, it doesnt accept my E-mail. ***ing retarded admins and their bullshit programming

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Recieved a package at work. I'm kind of afraid to open it.
This was a bad idea. No matter how much you love Jazz.
anon pranking
The game never changes
Classic governmental move
Missile command
Why you being so quiet?
A 100% accurate representation of rural Australia
Who said there's no truth in advertising?
Be wary of drake
This is the alpha ladies man on beach
Murica... Populated Europe
Get your sh*t together Canada
Never use kick as a finishing move on Tyrone, for it is one of his favorite fetish
MFW non-readers complain about possible spoilers from the leak
It's not your job to crack wise, Siri.
Went to the library. Hit gold.
If you're an astronaut
Gamers be like
Monster under the bed
Dressed for success
Power Rangers Tech Support
ISIS day trip
Proof that Troll dad's have been around for a long, long time.
We aint found shit
Just started oblivion... 40 minutes later, this.
72 hairy muppet vaginas await them
When you're the richest nigga in the block, drinking your grape juice.
***es be like
Anyone in for a party?
my phone's an ***
Shots fired
Why-A Mama?
Tinder joy
Dat amoeba
From Canada
Superman is a bit cold
What's better than sex? DMX knows.
You're SURE that's the name you wanna go with
Advanced dad joke
When i'm at the toilet during a party and i'm about to walk back out to the dancefloor.
How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
It's not about the destination, its about the journey
At least they know how to type
For the Handi-capable
Juan Snow
Sank You
Hey, how's college going?
15 years ago this seemed like a good idea
Cartoon by Emily Flake
MRW my teacher tells me i'm right and my classmate, who just called me a huge idiot, is wrong.
Cannot unsee
Who is laughing now?
Have you guys seen the new iphone emojis ?
The moment you realize your legacy might be first First Man.
There are certain things that are made to remain in the void of time
who is this hacker 4chan?
That's just wasteful
Protect Your Precious Seed
He has a point...
Thats a killer website man!
How to properly reply to a peasant.
Counter Strike Logic
Putting the D into Directory
After working 9 days in a row, I'm off for two days. This will be happening.
It should be "Stapler vs Predator" you dip.
And here come the unhelpful GTAV reviews..
Dating in a nutshell
Looks like a flat battery.
Damn right
The results of a "when was the last time you've gotten laid" poll on a porn site
When i try to play MK X at release
a horse's wish
She's not wrong.
the more you know
Food Pyramid.
Jack of all trades, master of none
You thought you've seen them all
"What kinda cut you want?" "Gimme that spongebob swag"
As sexy as a stacking toy
"Kids these days can't live without technology."
Apparently they are something to *** with
A brief history of Canada
Useless clock
Dr. Drake
When yo girl run for president
This is me
GTA V PC is out now!
No cover for me tonight!
i guess she really is...
To infinity and wha .....?
Nice craftstore find
This badass bird