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I am not new here. Every time I log off and I want to log in, it doesnt accept my E-mail. ***ing retarded admins and their bullshit programming

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How to properly reply to a peasant.
Counter Strike Logic
Putting the D into Directory
After working 9 days in a row, I'm off for two days. This will be happening.
It should be "Stapler vs Predator" you dip.
And here come the unhelpful GTAV reviews..
Dating in a nutshell
Looks like a flat battery.
Damn right
The results of a "when was the last time you've gotten laid" poll on a porn site
When i try to play MK X at release
a horse's wish
She's not wrong.
the more you know
Food Pyramid.
Jack of all trades, master of none
You thought you've seen them all
"What kinda cut you want?" "Gimme that spongebob swag"
As sexy as a stacking toy
"Kids these days can't live without technology."
Apparently they are something to *** with
A brief history of Canada
Useless clock
Dr. Drake
When yo girl run for president
This is me
GTA V PC is out now!
No cover for me tonight!
i guess she really is...
To infinity and wha .....?
Nice craftstore find
This badass bird
Racism is still alive in america...
Uhm, ok?
The giant dogs love me
Best. Card. Ever.
Saved you all some time
Those two kids have seen Jurassic Park
Cinnamon Rolls.
Well played h&m.
All aboard the...
Hot redheads in porn nowadays
4Chan user
When you get home and you wan't to fap but also have work to do.
After watching the leak episodes
Chinese 101
Alien vs stapler
Jaden Smith gets a job.
Stay In School
Oh Wishbone...
Look again
To hell with waiting right?
The Dentist Believed This Would Be a Comforting Ornament to Overlook Her Office.
Sorry, still makes me laugh, you asssholes.
This Guy's Name
Move to the side
child and adult's fear ? let see
Dad Knowledge
Crash Bandicoot Smash Leak!
Poor Kevin
Finally someone is facing this problem head-on.
ey b0ss
That subscription ain't free
when you put first graders and proverbs together
He's lying about something...
This church got some balls challenging Google like that
I'm surrounded by idiots
"Who will we hire to be Associate Producer?" "Eh. He'll do."
Godzilla is that you?
No on expects the Reichstangle.
Apparently not everything
Solid logic.
Fun fact
They have feelings...
Dammit Varg! I thought we were friends!
We only hire the best!
Now that is one unfortunate shirt to be wearing on tinder.
Married life
Knock knock
Just mother***ing chilling on her mother***ing bed
I'd rather call it a long hamster
Me Flirting
Audio Mistake
First day of school is a total wank
2/10 no pepe
Jose Flanders.
And smoke that mistletoe everyday
Baby sure does.
Turnin' the funeral into a cremation
How that move was invented
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