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Just an Oldfag who created a new account after beeing raped by admins:
6-Year Club

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When you get home and you wan't to fap but also have work to do.
After watching the leak episodes
Chinese 101
Alien vs stapler
Jaden Smith gets a job.
Stay In School
Oh Wishbone...
Look again
To hell with waiting right?
The Dentist Believed This Would Be a Comforting Ornament to Overlook Her Office.
Sorry, still makes me laugh, you asssholes.
This Guy's Name
Move to the side
child and adult's fear ? let see
Dad Knowledge
Crash Bandicoot Smash Leak!
Poor Kevin
Finally someone is facing this problem head-on.
ey b0ss
That subscription ain't free
when you put first graders and proverbs together
He's lying about something...
This church got some balls challenging Google like that
I'm surrounded by idiots
"Who will we hire to be Associate Producer?" "Eh. He'll do."
Godzilla is that you?
No on expects the Reichstangle.
Apparently not everything
Solid logic.
Fun fact
They have feelings...
Dammit Varg! I thought we were friends!
We only hire the best!
Now that is one unfortunate shirt to be wearing on tinder.
Married life
Knock knock
Just mother***ing chilling on her mother***ing bed
I'd rather call it a long hamster
Me Flirting
Audio Mistake
First day of school is a total wank
2/10 no pepe
Jose Flanders.
And smoke that mistletoe everyday
Baby sure does.
Turnin' the funeral into a cremation
How that move was invented
Match Found
Kick-Ass's new arch nemesis... The Burgundy
Be careful with that trimmer, underwater lady!
When you Start Noticing Plot Holes in Porn
Just found this gem on Tinder
Steam Reviews Always On Point
kame hame Fap!
Nashville's explanation of neighborhood.
The reason we have allergies
Just noticed this disclaimer in Cards Against Humanity.
Just married!
Bob Ross loves happy little bushes.
how about a race
programmer's sense of humor
Magic Johnson's son
This is the type of guy you read about in math problems...
A Fallen Comrade
There is definitely room for two there. This is Titanic all over again.
doing some cardio tonight
Fast and Furious. 125 KB/s Fast.
Things Drake Do
Somewhere out there, a graphic designer Dad is laughing
France is bacon
no one is born racist. someone had to teach that at a young age.
*** you Joe
Television compared to reality
That better be a steering wheel.
stupid otaku
whoops got a virus again, just tightening up the cpu should fix it
Eight days a week
When the teacher says find a partner
Senior quote
Master Splinter spotted
What if Zelda was a woman?
Now we can all feel old
Simple yet hilarious - The Onion never disappoints
Then why are you giving it to me?!
Life on the interwebz these days
***es be like
This van is better.
dead funny
Oh Canada!
Fourtune cookie finest
History explained