Still an *** just not as much


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AD93 · 20 points · 9 years ago
Great facts, no doubt... But are they funny? No, they are not...

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Darlune · 5-Year Club · 4 points · 9 years ago
My great great grandfather knew him and he apparently was a pretty nice guy, he gave food to people who couldn't afford it and helped the homeless.
This however does not change the fact that it isn't funny by any means you retarded ***.
This however does not change the fact that it isn't funny by any means you retarded ***.

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the_real_Satan · 6-Year Club · 11 points · 9 years ago *
because it is al-***ing capone. gangster, murderer, money launderer and alot of other shit he did. but he had class and a code he followed. not like today's ''gangsters''

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ShadoWalkeR · Commenter · 5 points · 9 years ago
Since when does gang banging, money launder and other crime make you an ***? It's just a means to an end! Sure a couple of "violent incidents" would occur between rival mobs, but that man is far from an ***. A dick maybe, but definitely not an ***.

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