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dank ass memer, normies get out reeeeeee (all my posts are originaly crafted by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

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High school libraries
me irl
noitsbecky is back
White people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Obama is the AntChrist.
Did you mistake this for a Bioware game?
When evolution backfires...
HEY HEY, HEY, HEY -- calm down
Troll Level: Master
Arguing with an engineer
Awesome Teacher
That boy ugly af
*** you invisible midget!
Astronaut Barry Wilmore
"You're Welcome."
Powerful women
I might be a little late on this one
Hold the door, I'm coming.
Black smoke rises from the back of FIFA HQ indicating the ceremonial burning of the documents.
Trying to hide your sass when mom is lecturing you
Spacing is important.
Dem eyes
With the "Do you know who I am?" Motto
Looking like trash
The thirst is real
groomer has it
Women Make Up An Excuse NOT To Date
Simple Simon...
ain't nun' to mess with
Everytime I go through old posts
Spammers just aren't trying anymore
When ur broke
Uber is evolving
the things you see...
How to fish: the Australian
29 and 1 dalmatians, mates!
How does this even happen
Half-Life 3 has already been released
Damn illegals.
me irl
Post-apocalyptic Shooters
10/10 flip
No wonder Jews are so ***ed up...
She dont see me
Hetrophobia is a real problem
Before sleeping, you have to harvest your own pillow
When Mexican kids play in the sandbox
Deal with it
Well... fair enough
*** he's drowning
TESCO burns
The Rock is a narc!
How about Mid West?
Apple's secret revealed
Those poor cranberries.
He is a killer !
Make Sepp Blatter go away
Whenever people fight over which manufacturer is better
Worst thing to see before a flight
Implants in dead children
Ass so fresh, it's still twerking
Why do showers always bring out the hypothetical worst in people.
damned Americans
they have been doing it wrong
*** Math
Just in case a cow wanna *** around and get dunked on
Who the hell is manufacturing these handbrakes?
Real ***ing Subtle
Saruman's best friend
American Monopoly
Thou shalt not be stupid
Found Daniel Radcliffe as a woman in an old timey photo. Bonus: Harry Potter glasses!
Microwave is broken
Pat was always honest
Deadpool gets married
me irl
*** that guy!!
No shit!
Good Guy Canadian Security Officer
rekt af
So true
Probably not what he was going for
Kayne is getting desperate
Anon becomes a woman
Can you give a REASON why it's wrong?
Story time.
Time to do some laundry
when someone wants to quit playing Risk
Please, stop speaking bullshit comrade
Take it easy, man
When reading gets too real
Kill it before it lays eggs
Closet full of Js
Maybe he won't notice.
Brethren, behold, our sweet prince
Listening to a feminist like ..