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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Dumb ass
Perfect placement
Daaaaad stop commenting on my status
Bringing bubble gum to school...
That moment
Food when your high
When your mom asks you if you want nutella!
Tailgaters these days...
Automatic flush when still on the toilet
F*cking someone up...
How I feel whenever my girlfriend is on her period
Every time I walk with change in my pocket...
50 years ago this submarine officer made a decision that effectively prevented WW III from breaking
Like I give a f*ck
Deal With It Motherf*cker
Daredevil Halloween Candy Heist- caught red-handed
Don't piss off that bunny y'all!
Very true
Happens to all of us
Couldn't Resist
Made my day...
"True sh*t"
Deal with it, this cat is 10x cooler than you
You'll sh*t ur pants
They won't walk for a few days...
Winter + Balloon + Water + Food Coloring =
Thank you for making things clear.
Good guy Pepsi
"I've made a terrible mistake."
Whiskey glass SUATMM
I'm not even mad
Funny, and yet sad and true.
That "Oh, f*ck" Feeling...
Save them!
Seems legit
Oh Charlie!
Asian wisdom at it's finest
Who the hell smashed my windshield?
I'm just going to imagine that the cartoon one came first.
You're So Vain...
Russia Vs Canada In Dayz
Genius gamer gurl
Such violence!
How many dudes does it take to move a box? Nun.
Uhh.. But.. I Don't Know..
Some facebok gold
Laura you sly dog.
Urine trouble
The New Face Of Durex
F*cking #THUGLIFE.
U mad Romney?
Dem japs
They're evolving
Its still going on
Everytime I'm on 4chan.
Rebecca black is back
The Elusive 360 Teabag
You know it's true
So True
Cruel Trick
My favorite image on the Internet.
Picking up signals is not my strong suit.
It´s kinda true
Strip Club
Cheetah doesn't give a sh*t
Thank you cage.
F*ck you, river monsters
Shake your body!
May I Join Please
Silly Rabbit...
He accidentally put on a banana
Fair enough.
Everything Looks Cooler With Gloves
Oh goku...
Just doing a poll
Dog = Nothing to do Here...
Why owning a pet ape is not safe.
After weed was legalized.
Feeling fabulous
Fetching the mail
It all makes sense now!
Border between Norway and Sweden.
The difference between walking and driving
I deer you!
That Was Easy
My people need me
Dumb kids
The "i found a penny" dance move / photobomb