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Spent these 4 years in 1 year cycles of activity and inactivity, don't expect nuffin
4-Year Club

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Your dogs a slut
/v/ on GTA-protagonists
Works every time
When you trying to commit murder and remember jet fuel can't melt steel beams
No beans, hammers are $500
Scientists unite!
There's lazy and then there's this guy...
When you and your friends blaze in a forest
safety first
if thin privilege is a thing i hate my friends for their high-end-pc privilege
Baby Jesus knows what I want for Christmas
Hey look an ***
Did someone say shots?
RIP Toronto Raccoon
Well shit we are all gonna die
When reality exceeds imagination
Freedom for all
He gave him his â˜
Not playing my debtns
Well, shit.
Puff Puff
Here bunny bunny
me irl
If adventure games were realistic
This is pure evil
It looked way better online.
When you love something that a lot of people forgot about
Tom ***ing Hanks.
Moral Be respectful and never lie to an officer
the war is nearing it's end
She can Anchluss me anytime.
PCMR brother knows what's best
Malcolm was insightful for his age
What does Mike Tyson take when's he's not feeling well?
Maybe it is
Yeah, science.
Well Germany will pay for it anyways
World Warrior Airlines
THIS is what it's really from
sums up high school
Short person problems.
Glass really does magnify the burn
there is a cure
Some killer moves, bruh
living the thug life
Life won't be much longer
Not on Grandma's watch
Rugged Australians are hot
Join in guys!
Something that kind of bothered me about Uncharted
Hello, m'lady!
Classic rascism
Pepus the Betrayer
Honesty is the best policy
Yes CVS, it's a great deal and all, but...
Great game, really
"Category: Tasteless"
Steamer Sale
No thanks, Chipotle...
When she takes her make-up off
How tacos should be
Tlpo swtit
Damn it Damenian!
Gets me everytime
damn in shanyqua you so quiet
Your mom and this textbook have a lot in common
i actually paused and f*pped to this
Hmm..something seems abit fishy
Cinderella's nose job didn't go as planned
It'll be a blast
To be fair the school cafeteria has pretty good spaghetti
Pill Cosby
Demonstration of current situation with my paint skillz
Greece's new currency
[sad pepe]
That's so mean
Go big or go home
What an ass
Memes>Steel Beams
So beautiful.
Nature is wise
When you can't afford a selfie stick
It's a full proof trap
June sounds like a lucky lady
THIS JUST IN: US Court declares Whales capable of coherent speech.
Don't be a victim
This was real...
I'm being super cereal