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allow Arceus in thy heart, to enter the eternal Pokemon battle fields after thine death.
4-Year Club

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praise the nine suns!
Magic works if you believe hard enough
who needs 4 walls anyway? (part 2)
Tech Support
Think about it..
Oh the white man and his tricks...
When will then, be now?
From Petting to ***ing in just 30 Minutes.
mime troll
How odd, that's not supposed to happen
When you are a notorious Pepe thief
Interviewed at the beach
This guy..
Father of the year
A real catholic badass
...Eeeeeh, Macarena!
This ***
Alien Artifact
When you try to be witty...and this happens.
Its good to see that nvidia can take a joke
Hope Dr_Eevee hasn't posted this one
We cannot escape our nature.
Special Instructions
who needs 4 walls anyway?
when you papua new guinea as ***
She's right you know
Intense submarine battle
Great advertising for a bar.
Eh, close enough
This makes me uncomfortable.
Castro: America will never talk to us! Me:Wanna bet?
So, all of this time, Slavs were just trying to take sh*t?
Neighbor got a pet ostrich today
the game
Advanced aiming techniques
After all, he IS the king of disguises
They Besiege'd a giant face hugger.
***ing normies
Stone hard!
All time favorite scene from The Simpsons
Tumblr in a nutshell
Every damn time
So tested is my faith in humanity
Source for the original in comments
When you can't buy DLCs... Who needs Ryu anyway?
True fact advice is the best advice.
Can't go to the beach without the Kalashnikov
Rare Coke ad
The customer's always right
The might of intelligence pt.4 (links in the comments)
"You were just more fun when you were fat"
The Huffington Roast
Dog Logic
When you do all the work in a group project.
MRW a virus infect all my webbrowsers except for IE and i have to look up the solution
These ARE the droids I'm looking for
Siri's one cold-hearted mother***er
An attempt was made
"White guy problems" strikes back
Entering the BIOS
Damn... Colbert can get real
Missed the joke as a kid.
the secret to long term marriage
Musical Bone
Success is like being Pregnant....
Best flag ever.
Too bad its an Xbox controller.
I bet the God's killed OJ's wife
The real speed II
Whoever did this is a genius
You little *** !
"what are you gonna do the rest of the day?"
me irl
You've been warned.
***es be crazy
Absolutely sikhening
Classic Fez.
Classic Andy
A whole new level of *** parking
The truth can be hard
once you became meme, there is no way out.
500th post!!! :D
Constant fear
That does tend to happen at the end of middle school...
The circle of life
At other dimensions, they are still exist
Not a scam guise, I swear.
Calling names
SexyNosepass "nose" what's up
Hue hue hue hue
Almost every Mortal Kombat fatality moves.
Goddammit Grant.