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This account is new but my existence in this webpage is over 7 years old. Old account got deleted in the purge.
6-Year Club

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That's some nasty sh*t right there
Advertising in Kasakhstan. Hats for the whole family
Straight A's, Dull Days
Trolling level: 1000
It's just a misunderstanding
The Squares
Sure I'll paint your ceiling
Howd he get his dick power to 71?? mines still at like 20
Cereal *advertisement
To all you hunters who kill animals for food - shame on you!
The Allahu Snackbar
Natural enemies
Feminist world
Allah best girl
Crusading is my pussy
It's go time!
Me tbh
me irl
When the acid kicks while high af
When the drugs kick in and then you're shying away
*burning jews internally*
first day at a new job
Can you feel the burn?
steampunk origins.
Classic magic trick
Tumblr's Dilemma
Toronto Police
What a difference 3 years makes
Coming in late to the party and everybodys already ***ed up
Thanks obama
The Fat controller has the right mindset...
This dictator guy and his whole country gets more disgusting every day. And our politicians stand be
Dewey always makes lemonade out of life's lemons.
A simple question.
Pogo Stick
Sexy time
Just girly things
The Book Of Jaden
Paused at the right moment
We didn't go over this in class
Parking fee just gotten real.
4chan photoshops terrorists into rubber ducks
The movie would have been much shorter.
Alas, Woody realized the gravity of his actions far too late.
You're killing me, CSI.
The most important information in Star Wars
In Soviet Russia, bear pokes you
The 1990s were a more innocent, simpler time.
Only in da hood
That's one violent kid.
How British people shower.
I'll never admit this is funny
how to end a race
Providing infinite energy for da hood
A smart military technique
Islam never bothered me anyway
Me as a parent.
This guy has it easy
Since Turkey decided to shoot down a Russian aircraft...
Morning routine
Stark Richdale
I just felt like running
Windows 95 is savage
It's happening
So you wanna make 2000 caps a day?
How's your wife Shaquisha doing?
1 like = 1 prayer
What else could it mean?
love at first sight.
The Trump
Bubbles always knows just what to say
Fear Obesitys
Facebook never disappoints
praise the lord and pass the ammunition
relaxing on sunday
Mewtwo spitting some inspirational shit
me irl
Great costume idea
"I'm not here to hook up"
Damsel in distress.
Her cold, dead heart
Dog swearing
"Haha u cant catch me lmao"
See what a can happen when you don´t have to worry about system32
causing a cena
Wheatley is awesome
Master of Photoshop
Where'd you go?
Jon's ink fetish has gotten out of hand.
Sweet sweet America