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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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when you forget the word "scorpions" but google got your back
The post is funnier than the title
When the Neptune raid is over and there are no new memes yet
Nobody is safe from the Two-Toothed Killer
Improved whitening
The irony is what gets me
When you talk to normies without crippling depression
Economist anon teaches communist anon a lesson.
Let me turn off the stove... Brb
Corn tobogan
Instant regret
Keep it real Amanda
When I pots OC on HL.
Good riddance.
Be yourself meta has gone out of control
38 Years Young
''I'll manage to do it next time!''
uggh friendzoned again...
Hey! Where's Perry?
what is dank may never die
Instant Rage
And I guess she got a BF as well
This *** is cooking ***ing skittles
Sex offenders in Detroit can't swim
"gender has nothing to do with biology"
when your girl gets too kinky
he's just nervous too
he ain't got a 4 head he got a 5 head
It's just a meme
I think that's swedish
Wow my family is so cultured!
It gets you so hiiiii
Oh my God
Biggest fear on mondey when teachers give homework over weekend
well that's ironic...
Well, we do worship cats...
not a fan of emojis and stuff but this is gold
No one knows what its like, to be the...
Me upon seeing the remaining candidates in the election
wheres yer birth certificate
when you get rid of crippling depresion
SJW compilation
u just got pranked bruh
Do you know someone with kids? Do you hate that person?
Sorry hun, doctor's orders.
Poor man
It was cheaper this way
Who's baby is that?
Just what the doctor ordered :^)
Common sense is not common
Three gay dudes burn hot teen
"iOS games are the future of gaming!"
focking vegans
As a scientist, i can confirm
Dat slave
Me last night
When people notice OC on Hugelol
Its 2016 come on people!
Downvoting all neptune memes like
dont mind the typo, i didnt do it anyway
Gotta Love The Comment Section
Allahu Ahkbar Geeks
Or no desert
When your weeb classmates start speaking Chinese
Clever title
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
2chainz knows what's up
Hey Vsauce
Señor cool
Me on public transport
Always love spending Christmas with the family :^)
His faith was not strong enough
The eyebrows carry her from 1/10 to a solid 1.2/10
Going To The Theatre Like
When I run out of ideas
Neptune got that dick
Never forgetti...
Freaking Synths
clever title
Near death experience
Reminds me of my childhood
When front is flooded with something else than Skeletor
When your post finally reaches rising
I bet you don't, looser!
Getting ready for the new update
Rodario in: The Big HAHAHA Theory