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I've been around approx 7 years, been banned quite a few times before, but here I am.
I used to be dkmin

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Lazlo: "eat the pill"
The Hero We All Need
Huge Factory LoL
Magic School Bus: Artery Drifting
disappointing john
Beestiality is real
She ded
always remember to turn off the oven
When Amazon understands my needs...
Basic Parenting 101
me irl
Insert Witty title.
Well ***
Hugelol these days
Am I late to the party?
The internet is going crazy over the wrong things
Slav Special units, squating under radars.
I hope I'm not too late
Ya lil' rascal
What's unfunnier than sh*tty memes? Sh*tty memes about how much sh*t sh*tty memes are.
Wonder if we could turn him into super Saiyan
RandoWis comp
Hugelol (600th post :D)
HL starts asking the important questions
The crude fear in his eyes is heart wrenching
Love at the first dope ass rip
ooh babe you didn't
Spongegar is before your time
Just as god intended
I bet you dont even know his best Album
savage ronaldo
His eyes tho
Imma show this to my barber
Russian liver is best liver!
When you combine two overused memes in one...
Play it cool, play it cool
Nothing like mass genocide to prove your point
Ending it
Feminist cringe
As a farmer, MRW the crops are looking bad this year
الله أكبر
John, nice to meet you
A spliff a day keeps the doctor away
In memory of Harambe the gorilla. May his memory be for memes
keyboard warrior steps up
better than therapy
Making the family great again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I did this in Microsoft Paint.
Where are u now ?
Is this what you mint, when you demand fresh OC?
good ole gramps
Iove the internets
Clever title
Classic HDL
Something about OC or Hillary Clinton or whatever
Do u feel it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hey, that's pretty good
Gotta have your priorities
when they didn't make a meme out of you
Her Royal Majestey being savage AF
good parenting is no monkey business
After seeing NetMarshell's post
An ancient technique
When you ask mom where you are born
Didn't see that coming
When you need to call 911 and you realize you are 911
Get ready for the purge!
make america great britain again
Socialize the Memes of Produtcion â˜
After finding dubious porn
mfw I want to post oc but forget to remove the watermark of shame
The truth hurts
Too dank late?
We've all been there...
how to deal with gorillas
When you have unlimited data, so you let your friends go savage with your hotspot
I guess we are posting a lot of these awkward moment posts
Meanwhile on bizarro earth...
It's not just a phase, mom!
Still ran out of title ideas
Part 2 to the chocolate milk rules on /b/
Vegans trying to take the world over by force
Yong knows.
HL admins?
Gold Please
*laughing/crying emoji*
When Google gives you life tips
Internet as spoken
Mother knows best
there is no need for a title
You won't believe who #1 is!
The dangers of noise pollution
when you felt microscopic all your life but then HL sempai noticed you
Rocking it