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Redeemed 9f*g. Newfag of the modern Hugelol, the most complicated time to get karma. Not even aspiring to become an oldfag. Stop reading this. Faggets
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I can't hear you!
The aftermath of the ring is not pretty.
Scrolling Facebook be like.
4chan surveillance
Something smells fishy
Frodo's Night Out
My sister is a very dark person
Man's best friend
A nice lifehack
Ho ayeh ybab!
when your sword don't lie
Also, that's harassment.
Bruh same
Jesus got my back
roses arnt a plant
At least she doesn't spit
They wish they were *free* to do that
The International language of $$
don't ever change hummus
Tilting intensifies
lucky tyrone
Mischievous minds are disguised
Selling war equipment to civilians. What could go wrong?
Terror protocol
Old habits
Guess who's getting laid tonight?
Better than Pornhub Premium
echo: wasn't even interested
Too good to be true
He chose his career wisely
And im a transgender who crossfits 3 times a week
old habits die hard
Buying a car
Current Election Affairs
How to stop war 101
*sarcastic title about memes*
only a wall can keep her from sneaking into our schools
Common sense, guys.
What does a scientist's dog do with bones? Barium
F*ck off, I don't wanna get shot
Not soon enough?
Notice one of his eyes is hovering outside his head....
1 upvote = 1 rip in piece
Have a headache?
When Reality mixes with Dank Memes
It's like one of those musical Christmas cards
Is it too late to Gorilla shitpost?
That scarf? With *that* gun?
Bridget the Midget
It's Mr. Steal yo waifu
mother ***3r
the pros of having a Pecus Excavatum
Fun for the whole family
Better suck it off
1st time seeing this
: ^)
It feels nice
when people ask me how i'm doing midway through my finals
cbadef is a cool meme
How ice skates were invented
Bill Cosby tells a funny joke
Too soon?
"i wish i pulled out"
I should have pulled out
When vegans try to be useful
Fockin ninjas
It's coming
Its affected so many 5 years.
They will come for u
Hillary's reaction after the primaries
You guys want the Sauce?
You could say this website is on drugs. badum tss
It's time to burn the farm, fellas!
When my mom asks for the change but I keep 1$ for myself
Looks like it's time to go boiz
And there ya go some OC
When you finally get that cheap toy Made in China
Internet warrior strikes again
Rape stair engaged
Let me borrow your phone.
What do!?
This sh*t was TIGHT
It's Joseph!!
Classic Milhouse
i am dat boii
When you hear 'Hitler did nothing wrong' and you know Exodia is summoned from the star of David