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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Iceland's commentator became a goat.
With all the gender shit going on
spicy maymay
*swings thunderbolt* *laughs cloudly*
when your grandma is oldschool
Me IRL after I ordered something online
this gran is on faiaaa
Official logo Rio Olyimpics 2016
Coping mechanisms
That's my gender
problems in 2025
Anything's possible when it comes to handegg
All hail the king!
Did anyone else read the words in different voices in their head or is that just me
GoT SPOILER ALERT (with sound)
You're welcome!
Wow! can I see your club?
Daily News
It's high noon somewhere in the world
Prepping for a giant sh*t
Classic Denzel
Basic ***es being basic
dat feel
22 years ago, The X-Files got it right.
My favorite chinese cartoon.
MFW the Youtube community delivers
but time flows as slowly as honey
Daddiest joke ever
Ooh, what else?
Early footage from Finding DORY, pixar really nailed the realistic look this time
I thought we were past this..
The lack of education here is too ironic
needs no title
sjw witch vs garlic bread
Amazon's Algorithms are quite accurate
I really want to read this book.
Chit-chat with a friend
purr purr u bich
Omegle is a Place to Meet New Friends!
Neuro topical
A lesson in manners
I love upgrades
[приседания внутренне]
Cleavland USA that is
What kind of God
"Atheists at war with fellow atheists again over who believes in god the least" - read no headline ever
Brony vs. Bulle
HL's Special Party Shots!!
When you don't know any dad jokes
B*tches be like
Or not.
A delicious alternative.
It's not a bug
ISIS SPace Program
Maybe more...
The worst
Yup, being 300lbs+ will not help you to see your junk
Neckbeard training 3pro5me
sick flip tho
Rest in Pans
Pretty normal to me
Rohan will answer.
Bacon is good!!!!!
When a guy accidentally goes on tumblr
waifu material
It's the simple things in life.
Where do you keep them?
Misty got the Crabs...
End my misery
Father's Day?
This kiddo is going places...
Anon's routine at the gym
Screamed the stable boy
Yeah sure, lemme just taste this new bleach i got in my lunch box.
[Squats internally]
''Wall' is our safe word.' - 50 shades of Trump - great book 9/11
All it takes is five minutes.
You genius
Revolver Ocelot
Father's Day convo with my Dad.
WTF did Xhe just say
Inspiration comes in many shapes.
Got rekt
Oh shiet tell me more