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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Remembering history
Bo's advice for young people
It's that time of year again!
The first generation
Drug test lord
one more try
When you're tryna figure out wtf is she mad about
Self-stopping volvo
Don't worry I got this!
Pretty accurate
That moment when you find a coin in the ground
Probably the most American thing you will read today
Even worst than BMW drivers
Badger fumes... don't breathe this!
Happy 4th, everybody!
The chemical composition of a latina orgasm
Thug Life
Happy 4th of July America
He always had a way with words..
My sides
Yeah babe it´s for roller skating
The problem in one picture
Does he look like a ***?
Its gonna be hot
Glorious soviet engineering
I love you, you love me
i like where this is going
Black Stereo Types
AOTS 2017
Found this in down in the dank meme mines
Roastsss pt.9
Dank Pulp
"If I had 25 cents for every existing gender" - 50cent
What a time to be alive!
Feminists be like.....
Dem pussies
Daniel Tiger's curtains are morbid af
Some men just want to watch the world burn
Cyka Blyat
I would catch a grenade for you
Got meme/sadness problem tho
Mobile version now supports comments!
Long therm investment
grafical bug in The Witcher 3 caused Geralt to accept his slavic heritage.
Im gonna prescribe you get a life
Now there's a Candidate I could follow
The greatest kind of magic (Just not great enough to revive the dead)
Delicious salty tears ft. Gordon Ramsay.
I don't even get anal.
Haunting kids in the afterlife, huh?
Ain't that the story of my life
Snapchat's Realistic Standards...
Hell to the no
freestyle edge teaching
It's the potato export on the inside that counts
my sister told me that
Where my upvotes @?
Slav formula 1
Sad and furious
Passive aggressiveness is the key in relationship.
Let's bring some joy to this site!
GF = Normie
Opening the oven to check your pizza.
When the post is upfront
*Cyka Blyats internally*
Bender Rodriguez the best candidate jet.
Perfect Brexit GIF
Deal with it
His got a good point ya know.
you guys like puns?
Looks like Sam didn't make the cut at the Citadel
It's okay to be gay
I'm almost exiting posting the jokes, I promise
Jorah Mormont during the season finale
/b/ create a movie
When you meet him for the 1st time but he doesn't look anything like his Tinder profile picture
When you're so deadbeat you turn around to not being deadbeat!
massive d*ck f*cks 15 million people
When you delete your browser history
little britain
Bet she died with sneaky smile on her face.
Backwards running put in reverse looks like they're running from something mildly intimidating.
When i try to do simplest task
At least this time it won't be for oil
Another trilogy I don't understand