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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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You're a grand wizard, Harry!
Me in my free time
the 90's were
Hitting that stereotype hot switch.
Wonderful Day In Slavland
5 x 0 is still 0.
Slav Party
Not even my face really shows it
When you're feeling bad, just read this
Stock Photo with Suicidal Punchline
Turn your head and cough
It was tough being a kid in the 90's.
French inferiority complex
Hes right you know
Bringing new members to the mile high club
Papa franku
Is your refrigerator running?
Life long friendship
What an absolute slayer
OP's mom
Same goes for me
Niantic weight logics
HL favourite fish
Ventriloquist puppet (not every post needs a title, dammit!)
Adamantium in love
Oh Nasa!
memes gone fishy
Moment of intensity
tmw ur not gay
Me playing pokemon go
Doodles turn me on.
Those silly numbers
Science sucks.
It'll happen eventually
Channing Tatum on spiders.
Not all heros wear capes
Dave had another confession to make
Before and After
New Game
Apple should really review their reviews
The implications are huge...
It's only the beginning.
Choosing where to go on vacation in Europe
me irl
Mouse sensetivity too high
I want to believe
I'm nothing without my coffee ...
He feels 17 so its ok :')
Who's a good girl?
Gotta Catch Em' All
After hearing about the mom who wants to sue the makers of Pokémon Go for causing her daughter to get hit by a car
COUPle more posts
OP reading
Pretty accurate
Classic Tim
Hit the trigger
The hottest comeback since my last mixtape
not late at all
Eric Cartman quotes wrongly attributed to celebrities
Dat analogy tho
Having good times
When you're too caught up in your own agenda to be decent human being...
My bakery is burning
This is ridiculous...
Islam is a religion of peas
Summoner Name: ST33LB34MS
Breaking news! Coup d'etat in Turkey!
From the creator of Pokemon GO
I only need 2$ to make mine <3
/tv/ describes Family Feud in a nutshell
When you have a weaker duplicate Pokemon..
nice attack
pls no
Bots after hurtful comments on their posts. Stop robot discrimination now!
´OMG why are all these papers cheering on the attacks!?'
>TFW you're black
This cracked me up
When you value your employment
Give me one of them sweet DNR's!
Think before you set attributes for your character.
The only achievement that counts
When you run out of memes
It was a good game...
Time to find a different neighborhood
How to advertise correctly.