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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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When the dog hits the blue-notes better than me
Lizard park
Anon is phychic
Could this be timed better?
>Can't even beat NPC
to Revolver Ocelot
True russian sniper
Greeting Jehova's witnesses like...
Rio Olympics 2016
The country I'm rooting for in the olympics...
Ayy Caramba!
Suicide Squad...SS?
My cooking expirience so far
Every single time
Meme magic strikes again.
Miracle Man
Eye of the tiger!
He never left us...
Thanks Obama
Women getting ready - Richard Hammond
It's not worth living
Hold there Houdini!
The most satisfying gif ever
It only takes one time
player 3 entered the game
Just a gorilla she said....
How to have fun in the Middle East.
OP calls his parents
This blew me away
I just registered to vote!
shitty day
Try to act normal so she doesn't suspect anything.
ISIS decides to attack Brazil
A song for true Warriors
Drug test on spider
Quick get into the classroom.
I never asked for this
10 minutes into Pokemon Go and chill
That comment
Wrong Pokemon names is a way to patronize women
when you're so green it's fire
50 Shades of Harambe
It's just a prank, bro
a creative title
To be fair, that does beat laser tag!
Posting a edgy meme and waiting for the first votes to come in
When I get asked to play something
5 punch man
Probably my favourite subtle scene from The Naked Gun
good morning peasant
Sooo hot
The greatest of the great
"What is HL like?"
"Carl is the funniest character that ever lived in your pocket!"
bigger filesizes? That's pretty neat.
Quality OC
F*ken little rich boy and his fancy pants silverware
Classic Hitlary
Drop it!
My favorite king of the hill moment
Don't you DARE say the name of Texas in vain!
How dare you presume her gender
Magikarp used burn.
Don't turn around, but...
The only ones I can think of are "Sweet Child O' MIne" and "Bang Bang (Ft. Nekci Menij)"
Whenever there is a 9gаg post which makes front
13245465 hrs on record 10/10 - IGN
A Pretty Face
When you see your grandpa using a computer
Retake the jimmies of production!
A wild voltorb appears
Have you considered?
10/10 would trust with life
Because Autism
Yeah on Free Rape Day.
Being fugly
Stephen Hawking is a genius
Black fellas shootings always making a fuzz.
Going on fresh...
I wish I could do this with my submarine :/
A classic McLeary
Finally some common ground
Fox News Statistics
How to teach swimming
This Plant is absolutely Führious
The 2 people on this site with a gf will know
Its just a prank m8
Look, if you had Mom's spaghetti, would you capture it or just let it slip?
Beat the meat
I really miss King of the Hill
Feel Dead Inc.
Is this man in charge of striping tigers too?
Walking into the RNC like