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I'm back for now. I don't have any alt accounts. Identity theft isn't a joke!

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Anyone knows where can I get one? :v
"What are you doing up so late?"
Crippling depression memes are my daily bread
Poetry is everywhere, you just gotta pay close attention
Toto Africa
I tried it and it works for real!
Not people, Morty. Morties.
Pepe vs Ahmad
When a weeb tries to explain himself
Perfect inspirational pictures don't exi-
HL juice
Kid's this days
Who would have thought normies could actually do funny shit
Praise Kek
Better condom in ya dick than 9 months and a little prick
Plz dont steel
me irl
War. War never changes
WhiteBones diesn't fucc around
Woman's Stuff
how to delete wheel
she's still going to the back of the bus
Too expensive to not to have it
The internet is amazing for communicating with other people
I suffer from the edups syndrome. 3 chronic diseases in one!
This new generation is out of control
Any place but FlavorTown! </3
Anon describes every iPhone keynote
You shouldn't wake him up
the average HL user
Anyone into classical arts?
3000's problems
Thats my homie right there
More like Franz Screwbert
How to fun
Trust nobody, not even yourself
live your dream
How to feed
Acknowledge the FOX-KIN!!!
The side of Hogwarts JK Rowling didn't want us to see
So true but so funny
1 upvote = 1 prayer for war veterans
The sad reality..
When she says netflix and chill
Not even Nito could revive that poor soul.
Time to listen some My Chemical Romance
Not so long ago, right?
everyday we stray further from god
When you high af and try to smoke a lighter
I can't make a church? That's where You're wrong kiddo
Alpha male
Not the brightest of the bunch...
Unedited footage of Felix Baumgartner jump
Gumball summarises the events of 2016.
1 lyk = 1 prayr
Oh please don't mind me!
Bird Hunting Simulation.
50 Krusts of Puff
MS Paint>Photoshop
crippling depression year one
IKEA has all the classics
Average HL user
Thomas the Pain Engine
When I am totally drunk at work again
When senpai notices you *Rawrrxd*
When the bomb is just right ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Emojis shouldnt be used for affirmation.
Half of the meme is invisible, couldn't change it, sorry guys
Pepe hits mainstream media
When Gandalfism doesn't go too far enough
When your bro asks you how much 6000 metres is
HL lately...
Praise the KEK
Leaked Footage. As you can see it was a setup!
Greedy greedy where's my fiddy
...and here we go.
Am I late to the party?
Chaotic evil
Are you blind?
When you accidentally clicked "open in new window" instead of "open in new tab"
Still cant upload shit...
When people ask me about edges on HL
Not his first rodeo...
I cri evritiem
Was hoping for a Michael Bay explosion
Unintentional perfection
His Special Abilety Is His Extreme Defence
I won't even debate this
Just so you guys know... i'm not a bot its just a new acc...
I knew it...
Just an Old Lady Losing her Mind.