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I like long walks on the beach, cuddle while watching movies and retaking the Holy Land from the infidels.

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You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
Sometimes You *** Yourself!
I hate my parents.
Meanwhile at the south pole wall
Since this election is a total joke...
This classic Futurama joke.
Omne initium est difficile
Wasn't even funny at all...
Anon chases away clowns
im back
Happy Columbus Day
Must wash the precious
Nip things in the bud
Don't worry the queen beats this move
For the greater good!
mafia 3 meme
Who needs college
Best role model for modern women.
When some orange guy brings along all your old hoes
How to handle dem clownz
Things you say when you forgot to print out your Resume
Just Donald things
O sancta simplicitas!
The Simpsons supporting South-Park for standing up to censorship
Answering with non-answers
Rockstar making political satire gold
It just doesn't work, Eric Idle, sir
Shanghai noon
Dear Diary I might get banned today
we always knew
The hero we don't deserve but the one we need
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur
Darth Trump
Tumblr is a cult.
Lucky babe
trumps out for hillary
Aeternum vale
All Star (Cancer Remix)
Hic et nunc
Anon predicts GTA VI
Me irl
Real beauty is on the inside
Lip reading debate night. Full vid in the comments
You got this Neo
All 30 sheep are ready farmer
Inspirational quotes
Cruz Control
How to treat your lady 101
It's confirmed, nazis have been to space
A feminist future
Love on first sight
When you have to shit badly but the game is still running
Canadian Thanksgiving is This Weekend
Abusus non tollit usum
O diem praeclarum!
Notice him.
ой нептун
Do you feel this?
It's funny cause it would be true
amoto quaeramus seria ludo
Discere docendo
Rumors claim the hurricane was hired by Trump
Just this once...
Well, that got dark fast...
qui coepit dimidium facti habet
The suspense is killing me
Thanks Doc
A common misconception
sapere aude
What really matters
Impossibilium nulla obligatio est
loco absoluto
9 inch Casper
When Greg has to take one for the team
the pefect music taste don't exi-
And the big love has been born
Typical sjw saturday evening
what happened to bernie
me irl
Save Money. Live Better.
When your memes are more than fire
edgy semi-intelligent sarcastic funny title
Women vs Men
NOAA43: alright, THUMBS UP.. Let's DO THIS!! Squad: ... Oh my God, he just flew in.
Take a spider out
Well damn, that's Jessie told
When The Teacher Asks a Question
deja hooooooo~