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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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The power of Swag
Her dance moves are truly inspiring.
Orcinus Assasinus Orca!
The power of the f word
Not enough Bacon, Call the police!
Cats explain the week
"How the hell am I supposed to win? "
Best Slap Ever
Apply cold water to the burn area.
Bad luck Bear
Pepsi Evolution
Well.... she is blonde and will never understand that joke
Elders in History class
Is That My Head?.
Life was really grand as a kid, am I right?
That's where BLB lives
Cheers to that
Parenting done right
Why I'm not in the kitchen.
Awesome shot is awesome
But... it's overly used.
Strange horny Harry
Close Enough...
Error, please restart brain.
Oh Stephenie Meyer - What have you done?
Damn, nature, you scary!
No brakes in the rape train
Wh*res first world problem
It might be getting older, but it'll never be forgotten
Damn Straight
True dat
Bad luck cop
Episode that scared the sh*t out of me!
What Europe invented
Not if you go behind the computer
He reached a new level.
Homer strikes again!
And he his laugh is just hilarious
What Where You Thinking Anyway?
Happy End
Like nothing happened
Get it?
Take Note Ladies!
He's a tasty pie
What kind of magic is that?
Someone has fun
True Story
Ohh.. Daryl
Daily Cats...
Everything is much clearer now!
What? Who's there?
Every time at the supermarket
A camper f*cked a girl. Still gay.
Too much Asian power in one picture!
She killed my fish :(
Dog vs Cat
You had one job, little girl.
First world Asian problems
Everytime the teacher turn around in class :D
Origami Challenge
HUGELOLer and it's troubles!
I knew cats caused that event
History is bound to repeat itself.
Teach me master!
A bird feeding a cat and a dog.
Always wear a seat belt
Sir, I found this cat. Does it belong to you?
What kind of sorcery is this?!
No one will be spared
Deal with it
This moment touched me SO MUCH!
My skinny friend asked me to work out with him. This is how I felt.
The Hawaiian Caterpillar
Thanks Dude
Loads of free time
The truth about Justin Bieber
The differences between men and women!
Derp Hard 2
And I gotta keep the 5.
Good Guy Pixar
Crtl c, ctrl v
Remind you of something?
Bye, i'm going to study
Dinner is ready baby
That Kid Who Says 'We Had Homework'
Aw yeah
-.- cicero...