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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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High quality post example for OverLurker
refer to previous post
and people wonder why them folks over there are poor af
Hillary is the best choice...
Just watching the fire getting bigger
When boys do research
Gabe Newell 2016
doot my toot
A noble goal
Obama gets called out for touching Mike's girlfriend
I am a pokemon nerd
Impressive technology anon
The most informative channel on youtube
lalala top of the morning
When she gives you hints
So i've been having girl problems recently... jk love you mikkow
Rip America
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
When everybody else let you down, remember, hugelol will let you down once again.
Its about time again
Come over meme #570286
But when his child was born, he vanished
Thats a fifty shades i wanna see
Tfw you have no friends
digging my way to 100+ upvotes
When you're rebuilding the Death Star in Eastern Europe, on a small budget
For the emperor!
Mouth piece On a piece of tubing
Number 10 will shock you
Well my virginity wont be in there
Returning to HL after a short and horrible period of being a normie
christopher please
Darth Smoke
not all sneks bite
Reverse psychology
This is how it happened. This is how my account got banned
She went to get Seizure Meds and he hasn't seen her since
Thanks god i dont have trust issues
click click
Applies to life in gereral
Whenever a post has 49 upvotes and you send it to front
stop giving me scars
rly proud of him
Dank Souls = Best Souls
How it suppose to be
next level engineering
when you're eating ass and the tapeworm comes out...
Angry feminist, smh
"do something"
surely theres no downsides about this :^)
*Sigh* Not again
Do you like barking on people?
How to open a jar of pickles featuring Alex Jones.
if you had read a book you would know about the hall of cost
Stalin was a great man
I'm not very good at making titles
After coming back from an account suspension
They surrendered.... and that's all there is too it.
I'm an EP :(
ayy #smashthatlike #WSHH
Just be yourself
Every button will give you one million dollars, except one that will kill you
The new Sombra gameplay looks awesome!
Them feels man
thanks CJ
The community that makes us shine
how to ruin friendship in just one webm
i feel like i can't wake up
wii sports sure is intense
Initial Dimitri
Only blue mother f*cker
political shitpost incoming
ugh ugh
It's The Tea Chicks Dig Tea
Lus in bello
harmonicas are fun
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The kind of annoying people
Being prepared for apocalypse
Since the bots are gone
confirm iced tea on HL
smart cat
lazy town is my favorite anime
check mate
they go doot doot
yeah boo-i-i-i-i
A post that isnt from realm of /b/ but still funny
jimmy neotron
Dr. Anal reporting for intercourse
Name this post
Nice hard creamy penis
Do You Think God Stays In Heaven Because He Too Lives In Fear Of What He's Created?
oh Grylls
Am I late to the party?
Because of my crippling depression