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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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...and screams DEUS VULT while charging into battle with his nuts
Revolver Ocelot
When she is a hoe
"I'm taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room. It identifies as my bodyguard." - Anita S.
in the air tonight
So much game
Egg rights
Who hasn't seen this in his fav pub?
Life as a coward
Pls don't be repost pls don't be repost pls don't be repost pls don't be repost
why u should read the comments
How to tie ur shoes
Anon has a breathtaking theory
I should've seen this coming
Gotta go fast
Consume Records Responsibly
Vibranium Stick
Can you really blame him?
Are you happy to see me?
Anon plays a taxi driver
Chillin with my squad
rip joey
tough luck
This belongs to this place...
Not even once
Black friday got great deals for everybody!
Happiness de-knight
>drift in to the abyss
200% haram
I thought that only happened in Narcos
Because they are dying at an alarming rate. get it ?
Here have one to fill the quota
I hate stretched images : /
/pol/ featured in a HuffPo article, changes title to involve kikes
helicopter accident
That Hair
never stop trying
Pizza is love, pizza is life
Big Facts
when you step on a LEGO, and it didn't hurt that much
People bring stolen memes, and put no effort into title
Anon gives advice on femanons
Happy Holidays!
lost possum
Reasonable Response.
A god walks among us
rock paper scirssors
We are the Third Reich! (maybe edgy with a bad quality on the side)
/consider suicide
For the Memes
welcome to the ricefeelds, motherfu*ker!
Keeping his word just like Janet Reno
How to trigger jamescnj1
Mr. Worldwide
Witty title
Scary to think about
keep it real
in need of exit
*notices bulge*
When you created humanity, but they suck at making memes
Does anyone care this much about height
They are everywhere...
John Lennon last appearence
Pottery :^)
Old Spongebob is best Spongebob
tyrone's new mixtape
>Implying you have someone
She could've at least texted
This guy knows whats up
cyka blyat
like my dad once tought me
he kept his promise
2 tru lul xdddd
Top 10 saddest anime deaths
I'm really rich
Title your post
The Man Behind BREXIT
suicide the things you want to suicide with
get a real job
good animes dont exis...
now thats a downer
Let me call in a buddy of mine
idk though
All you had to do...
Not that anybody on HL could relate...
Joe facing hard times
Nintendo, please
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