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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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The Inner Machinations Of My Mind Are An Enigma
Googled how penuts are made.
After 14 years this is still how i remember how to spell beautiful.
Atari ad from 1981
He looks no less then a kangaroo.
twice the meme
Smells like dog kennel
In need of a reminder.
$0.25 out of a machine. $947.36 out of a dog. Gotta love that smug "worth it" look.
My sister asked me to make her a new background for her work PC. She says it is not 'work appropriate' for her science job. Pfft, nonsense.
When you turn on your phone in the middle of the night
Snack Pack
About time.
*Hands in assignment* *Gets new assignment on same day*
Anakin didn't kill those younglings...
Why can't they just leave me alone
Life is great!
This dog has a nicer house than you.
Utterly Speechless... there was absolutely no
Nintendo Losses
World's Worst Sorority
OwO whats this
M vs W
Not sure I even need this book...
dang, Happens everyday
I have to agree!
Feel bad for the lil man
And blackjack. And hookers.
lmao Hahaha
This game can be played from both sides.
You can't get away
The 28th Woodwind Battalion's assault, though valiant, was ultimately doomed to fail.
tfw no caps
Seen At My School
The sad reality behind the curtains of our generation
"When your three year old tells man at McDonalds that his pants are falling down." -friend's photo
This new mouse isn't working
When you're surrounded by douchebags, but still have to be in the picture.
Raising a magician
"The same thing we do every night pinky".........!!
Years of therapy
Girl talk vs Guy talk
Seen at Walmart in OKC........
A different Rick and Morty picture every day until Rick Sanchez is freed
Ladies and gentlemen... The internet.
Title of your post
For Deutschland
Wall Is Unbreakable
hey, did I ever tell you I'm the senate?
Anon has a plan
Get down
A sad day for humanity
Chuck E Cheese is like the Benjamin Button of mascots.
I now know japanese
Mods when we threaten to leave hugelol because of Viral
Goddamnit dad
"Perspective is everything"
My friend's 5 year old on his 100th day of school.
The best dog you'll see all day.....!!!!!!!!
When played this card gains immunity to all socially and mentally debilitating effects
"When would you like to be reminded to restart the computer?"
Have you seen this man, male and dangerous
There's shit...everywhere
Bat Boy Band
There is an extension that changes the word "white" to "black" in news articles
Jennifer Lawrence's Weakness
Super Kick
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Beluga
I like to think he doesn't know it's there.
How to talk to a girl
Making first contact IRL
lapse of mind (Source in comments)
Took Me A Minute...
Found the Kayne West button
Colorado Marathon
I just want to die already.
A Storm is Coming
Jizz Lord
Death Note Season 3 Teaser
Uber Service At It's Best
Well there goes my afternoon
E.T the extra crispy.
The keep is enclosed
How Hugelol's front page will look in a few months.
When your weebo friend tries to play innocent
And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to...
dear admins
Installed an iPad in my dash. Went to carwash. Found employees selfie on camera roll.
Stay Off
cranky cum
I feel like this crab is threatening me
You wanna have a taste of that child support, cowboy?