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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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When your pizza prank goes wrong...
My life summed up in one picture.
Anyone know any scented candle shops that aren't too crowded?
Cat guilt... When you'll actually wait 20 minutes to get up to pee so you don't ruin their nap.
The neighbor dog is always watching.
Funny way to come out of the closet ...
A dog steals from a tiger
superman need a hug
Austranon hate america
Zoom in on his nose
Mommy come play!!
More like big boxer stores
Horrible accident at fair
Lovely accent
When the suspicions that your parents are furries are confirmed
Daily dose of science
Well said...
A card I found at the bookstore...
Get on your bikes and ride!
Why dads today are the way they are
England in one picture
I was passing by my art teacher's desk and I found this.
Just came back from my honeymoon in the Dominican Republic and they didn't have Plan-B. They had something way better.
My brother jokingly told my son to draw Danny Devito's head on a dinosaur body...and he did!
Once you see, you cannot unsee
*** you Tim
Waiting for Katman like
Look again...
Elmo is still haunted by his childhood traumas
This contradictory carabiner
It's called athlete's foot for a reason
But Is It F E M I N I N E Though ?
My dad is recently retired and it shows.
The Cat in the Hat
Rip knuckles 2/2/17.
Need for Feed - Hot Tendies
Antique Ice Cream Scoop anyone?
Anon and Korean Girl
A whole nother lvl of dank
Its about to go down !
When Hogwarts is tired of Harry not responding to their letters
When you're too young to enjoy the finer things in life
This Top Gear moment gets me every time.
Sign at a buffet restaurant
WTF Elmo!
We are beautiful, no matter what they say
Real creativity
When the lecture is boring but you're poor af
/gif/ Philosophy lesson.
I googled "Canadian GIF"... was not disappointed...
Damn you reality!
Ohh that makes sense..
They just don't know how to come up with a good name
Chicken Legs
the guy in green looks suspicious
Chicken < Duck
>mfw visiting hugelol on a mobile device the front page shows 5 viral posts in a row
The description of 'well done' at a nearby steakhouse
So pure.
Memes make people intelligent.
Movies that take place inside an airplane.
0w0 rawr XD
When you have to make an easy choice but you're not the smartest kid in the class
Relationship Goals
Was trying to do some laundry when this face popped up
Full transparency
This is how I doodle. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Rumour has it he once killed 3 men with a pencil.
Somebody's going to die
Hardest Midterm Question
This is all things that are good!
Absolute Legend
Hearing my dad yell about his online backup not working.
My shoe has a Ron Swanson watermark
Most enticing trap ever
All this time these have been transgendered and no one cared.
Coupon from 1990...was cashed in today. ALWAYS include an expiration date!
Wife bought waterproof notepad for the shower. This is a love poem I wrote for her.
Damn you Global Warming!
Adult mascots vs. children's football league
When I see the first question on my chemistry exam
My wife and I went to Ikea today and spotted this 'Merica family photo inside one of the display picture frames.
Khajiit has under wares if you have coin
If you guys need me, I'll be in Japan
Just a squirrel hanging off of its two back paws, holding a slice of pizza
And then my cat proceeded to explain the role of wine in the french renaissance as he served the cheese plate
An member of the senate took pictures before and after having unlimited power
For those who don't recognize this mission, I'm glad your childhood was not as frustrating as mine.
I have a longhair cat who covers his hairballs with whatever he can find. This morning, I woke up to this.
This dog in Brazil found some dentures
Not sure this is part of normal curriculum
The Last Potion
My husband's letter of resignation
making of the world's first camera