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Our fam M. Night Smhimalabadingdong got us
Explaining The Superbowl to the British.
you can`t
I'm still wondering what they're squawking about.
Brought to you by yours truly, MS Paint
Trust me, I'm an architect
This building looks like it was hit by a Creeper
some things are better left unknown
the ultimate master race
Abe Simpson was right. I'm only 37
Dammit Steve.
Anon is behind on schoolwork
Handy nightlights for your kids they said
I Love Nuclear Chess!!
A Brief History on the leaders in WW2
the future is now old man (very creative title xd)
Breakfast bad
Deadpool just gets it.
Must please Zulthar
A will to live sounds too good to be true...
Why she's mad??
It was a good day..........
When LaLa Land thought they had the oscar
His dad just realized his son is gay.
say woke #conspiracy #truth
How should I call this post?
Went to Taco Bell drunk. Asked for a "shit ton" of fire sauce. They gave me a ***ing bag full. I'm so happy.
Nothing has changed.
Nadia is one spicy doggo
Luck of the Irish
What I saw on my way to work
When parents love you more than your siblings.
When Things Just Come Together Perfectly
Classic pneu haha
Legendary assassins
You want to know how I got these scars?
It's not like they were lying
My wife likes to draw on our peanut butter.
A 5 liter Coke
Be american. Get shot
Nicole, kid, man.
Enough is enough
Wasps will f*ck you up
The moment i have been waiting for
My parents insisted on showing us their burial plots
I can't take you anywhere!
Wise words from Kevin Smith
Just wanted to check if Jerry has time to come play outside
Is this still a thing
after i saw cats on front page
DeadPool.. ;)
Give this kid a medal
This makes me laugh every time I watch Step Brothers
When nobody gets your cosplay
Carnival Freaks
Most Realistic Scene In a Marvel Movie
Arrival Fiction
deal with it op
If i were to describe what happened to HDL in one meme
When your pizza prank goes wrong...
My life summed up in one picture.
Anyone know any scented candle shops that aren't too crowded?
Cat guilt... When you'll actually wait 20 minutes to get up to pee so you don't ruin their nap.
The neighbor dog is always watching.
Funny way to come out of the closet ...
A dog steals from a tiger
superman need a hug
Austranon hate america
Zoom in on his nose
Mommy come play!!
More like big boxer stores
Horrible accident at fair
Lovely accent
When the suspicions that your parents are furries are confirmed
Daily dose of science
Well said...
A card I found at the bookstore...
Get on your bikes and ride!
Why dads today are the way they are
England in one picture
I was passing by my art teacher's desk and I found this.
Just came back from my honeymoon in the Dominican Republic and they didn't have Plan-B. They had something way better.
My brother jokingly told my son to draw Danny Devito's head on a dinosaur body...and he did!
Once you see, you cannot unsee
*** you Tim
Waiting for Katman like
Look again...
Elmo is still haunted by his childhood traumas
This contradictory carabiner
It's called athlete's foot for a reason
But Is It F E M I N I N E Though ?
My dad is recently retired and it shows.
The Cat in the Hat
Rip knuckles 2/2/17.