We feed my pug carrots for treats because he's a chubster. He's grown to love them. Maybe a little too much.

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Batman v Superman.
4 real fam
Don't claim you know music until you've listened to this
She is very protective of her ducklings
Katman then vs now
But, why??
Professor Jiggly, I presume
Just what does this guy think he's doing?
Husky Society
God is dead and Admins killed him
Pences energy is expended After shocking 30 gays
In awe of my buddy's recent repair job.
The Australia of Europe
Dude casually wearing an asian rice hat in a library
This hotel isn't taking anyone's shit anymore.
Time to let it die
Princess fluffers mc' derpface.
I mean, I can't think of many other uses for a bomb...
Bee-ing nice
Keep em coming.
1 pray
Double the meme market!
Every 6th grader at my school
It took everything I had to restrain myself...
Dear Steve
My mom is a second grade teacher and is afraid she just sent home 23 students with what looks like penises on their faces.
81 blungs
Funny Every Time
Race Barron.
KFC clearing up rumours, like a boss.
She really should have bought another vowel
My wife said I could decorate the guest bathroom as my own. Multiple screams have ensued.
Keepin' it Cla$$y in Troy, NY
Save on meat, vegans!
Fast as *** boi
I just got this on Snapchat
Barron Trump explains the difference between jews and muslims
How to summarize a country in one sentence
American Stereotype Map
RIP Sully
Read Carefully
I just drove by this hilarious billboard in my town. Marketing to your correct demographic
Most honest Craigslist seller
Sadly, still relevant.
Good way to support a house
Gotta ash em all
Still one of my favorite fake movie posters
Mike Pence bravely defending the wall from the united mexican cartels
Pence senses tingling
Happy Ash Wednesday from the High Sparrow
Shooting Jarjar
The Agile and Angry 2: Kyoto Drift
Dog caught in a booby trap
There's a human fossil in my floor planks
"He's playing Wonderwall and now I have no material. Please hurry!"
Historic Documentation of prewall America
We're pretty slow at work ..
Mike "If you have a perversion here comes the conversion" Pence
Drew this for a friend's birthday today
Grandmas can do more than just cook
This won't go well
In a restaurant toilet I'm at.
Let this be a reminder to us all
a weapon to surpass metal gear
I'm not really sure what Duolingo is trying to teach me...
fokin bamboozled
My dog takes my girlfriend's spot when she leaves for work. This is what I woke up to today
A cure for insomnia
My friend got his "golden retriever" pup from a sketchy breeder that claimed it was a full golden retriever. Fast forward 8 years, Ta-Da!
Sizes in different countries
Questions answered about a $1000 HDMI cable on Amazon.
My son ran out of clean sheets, but thankfully my wife found these packed away in the basement. Nostalgia overload.
You're not fooling anyone, Walmart...
A longer arm could decide a vital cat fight!
Now I can go somewhere.
Navy Seals
Spot the Canadian
Katmans family after they found him not delivering
The lurker masses shall rise
every class has that one retarded kid
This beer expires on 2/30/17
HUGELOL during the Upload Server Outage
I just bit my lips eating a sandwich, someone call 911
Charity case
I came around the corner and caught my cat the other day.
How I forfeited my security desposit
No Thanks! Not in my neighborhood!
Jesus vs. Surgeon
Arthur's headphones tho...
This is Bob