Fail a procedure = take a shot. Keeping a steady hand gets tougher as the game goes on.

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Not allowed to show your obi-wand
Works as advertised
Since you guys like amazon reviews...
"Are you black with white stripes or white with black stripes?" Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic, 1981
For some reason I don't believe you...
Homer's dorm room inspired furniture
Give this man a medal
She's so sweet until you tell her she can't have any of your cereal...
My dad's name is Chip. He's on vacation. He just sent me this.
Did they photoshop hair on Anne Hathaway?
7 - Eleven in Jungle
She will make a fine addition to my collection
Apology accepted.
My friend's unfortunate hand placement in his engagement photo.
Her: let's go somewhere fun today. Me:
I was watching Despicable Me with my toddler son today when I came across this easter egg.
This creature came from wolves
Redneck restraining order
Not sure what this guy expects to happen at Disney today
More like fruit Canadian
Last minute requests
Just in case you need to sate that gummy worm fetish, you freak
Bogwandi wya
Anime in a nutshell
Going through my gf's parents' wedding album, I discovered that a couple of her dad's groomsmen were Napolean Dynamite and Nacho Libre.
That's his girl now
that sounds like their problem, not mine
Get your ass pounded the wire won't be grounded
Plumbers graduation work.
One week ago: "We're not getting a dog!" 12 hours ago: "We're going JUST TO LOOK." 8 hours ago: "Well we can't bring one home and leave her sister behind by herself."
Lemme smash II, the smashening.
Slept at my brother's house and woke up to this
Amazon Review
Didn't realize Wolverine was going to be riding a bicycle in Old Man Logan.
"no homo"
Friendshiplevel max.
shitposting #2
Shut the *** up Jamal
Your turn
A koalafied director is all you need
Sing us a song
I have a pleasure room
Shakespear shit
Bet no one noticed i've been away
Meanwhile, in Canada...
we all were shocked
A meme so shit and dead you could call it Micheal Jackson
In Florida the drain pipes are so clean alligators live in them.
Wrong move fam
You know who loves skiing? Not this kid.
Vertical Video Syndrome
when Overwatch was every normies dream
The Pan Dulce dog
Be free
/g/ has a pet
I love you lamp
whom'st'ed got a degree in this
I'm glad that cow privacy is a serious concern for Google
I miss Garth Algar, this Womanizer...
pls no steal
How I picture every dad joke in real life
She took the ball straight to her face.
They keep getting better
If you die in the game, you die in real life
plz 4giv me
I think my cat just broke!
That kid didn't even known where it came from.
This is Lucy. Every time she goes outside she grabs a leaf and just walks around with it in her mouth :)
i freakin' love my new nintendo switch
Just a reminder what the movie is really about..
When your aunt forgets your name...
With a butt this big there's not mushroom left in this kitchen for a fun-guy like me
My friend's baby and her friends are about to drop the best alt-rock album of 1997.
10 Hours of Soviet Communist Music
The real story behind the resurrection
skrt skrt ***
this explains it
Do Robots Deserve Rights?? NO!
When I start to see slightly nazi posts again afters years from the purge
Whalecum Son.
***ing mondays
what my wife found when she went to open our kitchen pantry door.
Fishing Dears
Man lost his hand but managed to keep one finger
When a friend completes you :r
My mother in law insists that she doesn't feed the dogs her dinner.
In a way we all live here
Actual headline on my local news. She sure taught us carnivores a lesson.
just another unrealistic body expectation for women
200 upvotes and I'll hang these on every bulletin board at my school
I said yes!
It must be tourist season in Destin, Florida already...
Only in Oklahoma.
Birds are shifty ***s. I don't like where this is going...
Sign at the local watering hole