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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Fight Heat
Yes we will
Chain letter
Riot at its finest
How ugly am i?
So hardcore
Dolan pls
Oh sh*t!
Meanwhile in Middle Portland
Surprise Motherf*cka
More people need to read this.
How Babby Is Formed
Just Wiings doing his thing.
Dodged a Bullet
And now you know...... Cause knowledge is power!
The art of Combat
If you know what i meen...
Halloween decoration fail
When you're single
This made my day
Glasses change people
Have you ever been so angry you b*tchslapped a bear?
Hear Hear!
Everyday on HUGELOL
He kinda deserved that.
Battle Ship... IRL.
No exceptions
Car? What car?
Lesson Learned
Trolling at its best
Washing hair...
Working on a project you like with your best friend
This is just sad
No Work Let's Play
Epic special effects!
How the bad guys fire at the heroes in movies..
Have You Ever Been So Angry That You Kicked A Coffee
Nothing here, look at the picture.
The Karma Is In The Cake
It's kinda racist...
Can YOU see the angry bunny face?
That's creepy! O.O
Disney Princesses
Grumpy cat is NOT AMUSED.
I demand this to exist! Chop chop!
True story
One of my biggest fears!
The perfect match!
Doing it right.
Must try
Boys can play video games too.
Santa can be such a douche sometimes!
He Gets It
My biggest question
Get me out of this planet
Sadly, I will never be this happy
Ba Dum Tss
Santa Craus
Made in China
Ok then...
Drowning in it!
Now you'll see it
Tape rage
He's good.
True sh*t
Yes, no one will notice
Poor Guy Thinks It's All For Him
Welcome to blowjob airlines
Motivation, you're doing it right.
On the wrong Side of youtube
My God..
I need a brake
I wonder how many times he has bitten his finger while eating chocolate!
Mom gonna kill me
A canadian's favorite sport
Evil can also smile for the right reason
Less sensitive More funny
Would have taken a while!
Me after not cleaning my room for months
One of my greatest accomplishments
The art of trolling.
Well, that wasn't expected
So That's What Happened..
What competition does for you...
Know u like it
Look, seems legit
I made a friend today