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I'm not sure if I want to order this...
Men's room of the restaurant i ate at last night
A chart summarizing all of Japanese porn
Can you really blame him though?
Do you have a medical condition affecting your face?!?
Always bring an action figure when you go fishing
Poor Logan... :(
Making cinnamon rolls when...
/fit/ is evolving
The Battle of the Century
No Public Moterboating
The plot of "John Wick" as explained by Cards Against Humanity
North Soup is the best Soup
Oh... that's where he is...
*something Related To Upcoming Justice League*
My gf looks like... Ariana Grande!!
When you get cartoons mixed up
No chill blue
This makes me want to buy a Toyota
quality shitposting
Easter Bunny goes to therapy
My favorite Lord of the Rings character
Cosplay gone wrong
This guy at Pulse of Europe in Cologne, Germany
How Italians ... just stop
Jimmy Fallon ....
Stolen meme + paint.exe = profit
So what happens now?
This perforated line is the longest running lie in my life.
The only acceptable reason to reject a succ
Anon's family tradition
This sign in the bathroom at a bar last night...
Hell yeah
Nice hat you got here
TIL owls start to melt when exposed to direct sunlight
A riveting tale of the life of a fledgling Northern Goshawk.
it's true
Found the most ridiculous street name yesterday.
Years ago, my uncle was a wedding videographer. He got 2nd place on an episode of AFV with this video.
Best Place for Sleeping
Anon gets dinner
Roses are red, silk came from China
When faceswap turns your son into Hitler.
And start looking for a plunger but cant find it.
Taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat.
hugelol these days
My girlfriend just said Koala Lumpur, I Googled it and was not disappointed.
Can't wait for my kid to try this slide
Why Wonder Woman blocks bullets...
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Grey Matters - A Comic About Trying To Sleep
WTF Duolingo?
the iron e
It's always in the last place you look.
Searched Canadian national animal...Was not disappointed
1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance
This Charger
Friend invited us to her California "cabin on the lake." I don't think we packed appropriately
Everything about Kmart summed up in one photo
Why do Java Developers wear glasses? Because they don't C#
The true definition of life.
A truly inspirational story
What happens when i tell my friends I'm good at sport
Roast me
Italian skin composition
Me 24/7...
How you know if she's a keeper
This too shall pass
The most interesting vet in the world.
My Dad swears he saw Charles Darwin last week...
Not very bright.
Stumbled upon this gem once again today xD
Dog Tricks People Into Playing Fetch
The shower curtain my brother put up is nothing short of breathtaking
Over before it began.
Hello Kitty is not what it used to be.
The new dog I foster is a bit special...
TIL Google's photo summary for Chris Hansen just the same picture over and over.
The "not my job" winner for today.
So ***ing helpful!
Seriously people. Do it harder.
It's a good excuse
In order to legally be a brewery/tap room, they had to sell food, so this is what the guys at Sun King brewing came up with.
I guess I'm done?
Got invited to a wedding by the neighbor kid
This is pretty fair.
Can I sit next to the happy service dog instead?
Not the worst idea...
Bright future
If Disney movies had quicker endings
The back of a card I received
Growing pains
Good 'ol Windows...
They finally found him lol
Shuck it, Trebek.