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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Hey church, that's kinda none of your beeswax.
He made sure to count all of his fries...
Somebody handed me a small case and whispered "just in case"
Such a pity that every girl I like is either in a relationship or has a good taste
Because humans are pathetic :)
Happy Meetings Day
Obi wan doesn't vaccinate also
Uncle Ben, nooooo!
One man's ceiling is another man's floor
Meanwhile in Australia, the situation grows dire.
Pretty close
Roblox Roleplay gone sexual
This classic Gary Larson Far Side comic
Anon playing 4D chess
That's brilliant
Mia Khalifa's comment section
"The wizard will now install your software"
The elusive hipster gargoyle, spotted in the wild
Screw poor people, right?
I had to read this to a toddler
My 5 year old: "That farmer must really love his cows.... he put up all those fans to keep them cool."
RIP In Pieces Club Penguin
Old, but truer than ever.
When you smell weed in public...
There we have it
What I found in my classroom.
I myself prefer Stalin.
Solving domestic violence, for good.
Easy choice
Savage Wendy's Twitter Roasts McDonald's New Claim!
Vegans are monsters.
From the sharks perspective
Telling it like it is
Bus is here!
He could buy 2 entire popcorns for that in a cinema!
Yes I'm sure
Safe to say that I tipped him.
Isn't that illegal?
Real Batman
Each booth is an alternate reality.
It shows initiative...
Secret Question
when you start shitposting after 2 years of lurking
You either get it, or you don't....
Thanks for the Mercedes.
Let's Go Soldier!
I had a problem with birds at my house. Not anymore!
Hugelol car!
When someone asks me how to nod.
Gotta say..
RIP Club Penguin :'(
/fit/izen hates clowns
Nice tattoo.....
My wife was not pleased when she came home
How to talk to a black woman at work
The first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club .
What a mix!
I am frooooot!
The Walking Debt
I work at a bank and a customer brought in this prop money which she thought was real and didn't understand why we couldn't accept it.
This mug
Visual Effects have come a long way
An older gentleman came into my office this morning and asked if I wanted to see a picture of his "pride and joy".
Can You do it
My friend in Tennessee knows how to prepare
A pain I can relate to
Gender bender
It's a tough job but somebody has to chew it
This actually made me laugh
This is the most accurate comic that has ever existed
Tinder. Sigh...
Skyrim skills Irl
Ermergerd, dern't perk here
4th panel = dude
When you find a Tesla driver with a dash of humor.
Dark humor is best humor.
buckle up guys
Remember Baby Sinclair?
So they DO check the signatures.
Hold up y'all !
When you had so much feminine dicks you forget about grills
Go home Netflix, you're drunk!
Ever trolled a doctor?
You mother ***ers!
Life is Pain
The great bean bag incident of 2017
Punctuation is key!
Not intentional shitposting spree
When people ask me why I don't try harder
We are taking the laundry to Isengard
***ing weebs
Nigga you gay
I got to keep anything I broke off a car with a sledge hammer, I am quite happy with what I got